Saturday, September 8, 2007

Video: Special Cases by Massive Attack

A look at socialized medicine, anyone?

Massive Attack - "Special Cases"

by Mondoreb - Bigger, Better!.
Death by 1000 Papercuts Front Page.

Larry Craig: THE CRAIVAN

by PAT

On the surface, Larry Craig and Edgar Allan Poe don't have much in common: Poe was a drunken, struggling writer, Craig is a US Senator; Poe married his 13-year-old cousin, Craig is for family values; Poe had an encounter with poet Sarah Ellen Whitman in Maryland, Craig had an encounter with an undercover cop in a public restroom.

But, PAT saw the connection.

He saw the link between the two.

So without further fanfare here is PAT's rendition of

"The Craiven."

Once upon a midflight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary,
Over many a quaint and curious newspaper of liberal lore,
While I strained, nearly crapping, suddenly there came a tapping,
As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my bathroom floor.
`'Tis some visitor,' I muttered, `tapping at my bathroom floor -
Only this, and nothing more.'

Ah, distinctly I remember it was approaching September,
And I was stuck the St. Paul Airport staring at the bathroom floor.
Eagerly I wished the morrow; - vainly I had sought to borrow
From from the Star-Tribune, some bit of truth from this liberal bore -
Before anger rattled me to my very core -
Stuck here for evermore.

And the sad uncertain rustling in the adjoining stalls
Chilled me - filled me with fantastic terrors never felt before;
So that now, to still the beating of my
heart, I stood repeating
`'Tis some visitor entreating entrance at my bathroom door -
Some late visitor entreating entrance at my bathroom door; -
This it is, and nothing more,'

Presently my soul grew stronger; hesitating then no longer,
`Sir,' said I, `or Madam, truly your forgiveness I implore;
But the fact is I was crapping, and so gently you came rapping,
And so faintly you came tapping, tapping at my bathroom floor,
That I scarce was sure I heard you' - here I opened wide the door; -
And my eyes opened as never before.

Deep into public restroom peering, long I stood there wondering,
Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before
But the silence was unbroken, and the darkness gave no token,
And the only word there spoken were "Pucker up",
This I is queried in no uncertain words, What the fuck?'
And slamming the door, merely this and nothing more.

Back into the chamber reeling,
all my soul within me seething,
Soon again I heard a tapping somewhat louder than before.
`Surely,' said I, `surely that is something at my shoe ;
Let me see then what, and remove this asshole at the door -
Let my heart be still a moment and this mystery explore; -
'Tis someone passing wind and nothing more!'

Open here I flung open the door, when, with many a flirt and flutter,
In there stepped a stately Senator, half dressed, his mind in the
gutter .
Not the least obeisance made he; not a minute stopped or stayed he;
But, with mien of lord or lady, perched in my bathroom door -
There in my stall was tapping,tapping, stood Larry Craig-
Announcing to the world that hence he would be known as a f*g

by: pat
image: Cox & Forkum - Bigger, Better!.
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Red Planet Cartoons: John Edwards Health Care Plan

Red Planet Cartoons - Bigger, Better!.
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Picture: Cow Pie Bingo

Meanwhile, on a slow night in Red States all across the fruited plain...

by Mondoreb - Bigger, Better!.
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Evil Dick Cheney Lawyer "Tells All"

US Families Sleep Safer with WashPo Watching Over the Republic

By Mondoreb

The Washington Post
is onto Dick Cheney. Their resolve never wavers. They are ever vigilant. Women and children in the United States can breathe a little easier.

In a non-story earlier this week, WashPo details how Vice President Cheney's top lawyer, David S. Addington "pushed relentlessly to expand the powers of the executive branch." Quoting liberally (no pun intended) from "The Terror Presidency", a book that otherwise would have slipped unnoticed onto the remainders table, WashPo drops the usual Left buzzwords and phrases throughout: "unusual glimpse of fierce internal dissent", "engaging in tactics that pushed legal boundaries", and "Cheney is a Nazi".

OK, so that last phrase was mine.

In the Washington Post's account, the book, by a former US Justice Department lawyer, Jack Goldsmith, relates how Addington, now Cheney's chief of staff, schemed 24/7 to overthrow the Constitution and usher in a new totalitarian US government.

There are the usual tidbits about how hiring at the Bush Justice Department was--gasp!--political. Goldsmith himself survived the harrowing experience of being asked, "Are you a Republican?"

The story neglected any mention of recently-captured jihadis on US soil, the 3000+ murdered in the Twin Towers or terrorist threats. It did mention that "Goldsmith portrayed the senior officials with whom he regularly met as unremittingly fearful of another terrorist attack and determined "to act aggressively and preemptively."

Halfway through the narrative, after stopping to splash water on my face and pop some amphetamines, I struggled to stay awake. But having accomplished that, a new appreciation for the Post's gutty, selfless fight against White House tyranny dawned. Their reporters never rested: they were always on guard, protecting me, my family and my possessions from The Rock Band of Evil: Dick Cheney and His Crazed Minions.

I know.

I know.

I should burn some incense, get down on my knees and thank Darwin for The Washington Post: they stand up to the Republicans who seek to enslave the Republic. I should compose an email thanking them. I should send a donation. At the least, I should subscribe, helping The Washington Post in their long, losing cage match against a declining subscriber base.

I'm hoping someone else might do it. I'm too busy making sure Cheney doesn't burn the US Constitution before he leaves office.

New Book Details Cheney Lawyer's Efforts of Expand Executive Power - Bigger, Better!.
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Friday, September 7, 2007

Friday Night Videos!

Death by 1000 Papercuts, in a move to 1)contain the astronomical costs of blogging; 2) cut down on the high rate of staff suicides due to the inhumane, back-breaking work schedules; and, 3) have some fun on a Friday night, has decided to designate September 7, 2007 as "Friday Video Night"

Grab the popcorn, settle back and enjoy another in our continuing efforts to bring you yet one more chance to maybe see some provocatively-clad lasses in video format.

by Mondoreb - Bigger, Better!.
Death by 1000 Papercuts Front Page.

Video: DANGER High Voltage

Electric Six's classic story of unprotected electrical current
among the smart set. And the resulting chaos.
A fable for our time.

by Mondoreb - Bigger, Better!.
Death by 1000 Papercuts Front Page.

Video: America's Rich Falling Behind Super-Rich?

Hard-hitting report about the growing gap between America's rich and super-rich?
What can we do? The Onion's In The Know takes a look.

In The Know: Are America's Rich Falling Behind The Super-Rich?

by Mondoreb - Bigger, Better!.
Death by 1000 Papercuts Front Page.

KMFDM, Meglomaniac: PAPERCUT'S Nightly Video Time-out

KMFDM "Meglomaniac"
A relentless industrial rock beat with mindless
provocative images--NOW with a NEW pleasing minty taste!

A True Deathby1000Papercuts Classic!

by Mondoreb - Bigger, Better!.
Death by 1000 Papercuts Front Page.

Mondo Generators: And Now for....


What's in a name?
I'm not sure, but this was hard to resist.

NEW t-shirt designs now in stock @ Mondo store!
Check out the new "Lie Detector" video
from the new album "Dead Planet" Instores Now!

by Mondoreb
published on March 5 2008. Written on September 7 2007. - Bigger, Better!.
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American Short Attention Span: Daily COX & FORKUM

Cox & Forkum - Bigger, Better!.
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THE METH MINUTE: Internet People

A short history of web fads; for those with a short attention span.

How many do your remember?

by Mondoreb - Bigger, Better!.
Death by 1000 Papercuts Front Page.

Thursday, September 6, 2007



A lot of buzz out there about the lack of an equivilent to "DailyKOS".
My opinion: all hand-wringing and diaper-wetting aside, I'm not sure what benefit a conservative internet rag full of vitriol and "f**k you"s would bring to the Right.

Here's an idea: dress up LGF's Charles Johnson in a military uniform and leak stories about how he'd like to ride his bike for the CIA in Iraq and you might be onto something.

Then, take Little Green Footballs, subtract the wit, stir in a bushel of profanity, don't monitor the comments and substitute foot-stomping tantrums for facts and sources.

Finally, induce a financial catastrophe that hits the members of LGF's Lizard Nation so that all the posters lose their jobs, forcing them to move into their parent's suburban basement: Voila! You'd have a rightwing version of DailyKOS.

Among those publications weighing in this week on the subject are:
"The Lopsided Netroots" by Dean Barnett in The New Republic
"The Least Mysterious Question in the Universe" by David Weigel in Reason
"Why Isn't There a Conservative Daily KOS?" by Matthew Sheffield and Noel Sheppard at News

All three articles are long on calm and reason and short on hysteria. And that fact right there is one reason there's not a lot of gnashing of teeth on the Right about the lack of a "conservative DailyKOS." - Bigger, Better!.
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Nepal: Airline Sacrifices Goats, Problem Fixed

It's not the most usual way of fixing a technical problem, but Nepal Airlines recently decided to sacrifice two goats to appease a Hindu god following problems with one of its aircraft.

The goats were sacrificed in front of the troublesome Boeing 757 with the hopes that it would please the sky god Akash Bhairab. And it appears to have worked; "The snag in the plane has now been fixed and the aircraft has resumed its flights", Raju KC, a senior airline official, told the Reuters news agency.

Read more Weird News

by Mondoreb - Bigger, Better!.
Death by 1000 Papercuts Front Page.

Chinese Computer Hackers: Daily Cox & Forkum

Cox and Forkum - Bigger, Better!.
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Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The Biggest Bust: The War on Drugs


America has had a "War on Drugs" since the Nixon administration, based on prohibition and criminalizing drugs. That policy has drained hundreds of billions from our economy, driven drug traffic underground, and raised the price on a commodity that otherwise would cost pennies. Domestically and internationally our "War on Drugs" policies are not only a dismal failure, they produce the exact opposite result.
Paul B. Farrell wrote the above words in a MarketWatch piece earlier this week.

No matter where you turn these days, one can find an honest assessment of the War on Drugs. It's the longest-running war in USA history, surpassed in length and futility only by the equally-inane War on Poverty.

With no end in sight, billions spent, thousands imprisoned and make-work jobs in the Federal bureaucracy its only victory, the War on Drugs is another stark reminder of a governmental nightmare in action. "Regulating U.S. citizens' chemical preferences" is just another example things government doesn't do well.

Read rest of story - Bigger, Better!.
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West Virgina GOP Convention To Feature 10 Republican Presidential Contenders!

Mitt Romney! Rudy Giuliani! Fred Thompson! John McCain!

If West Virginia's Republican presidential convention were a rock concert, it would already be standing room only and the ticket line would stretch from the New River Gorge to the Ohio River.

The convention will be held on February 5 and WV's 30 GOP presidential delegates will be at stake. The convention is seen by many as a "Super Duper Tuesday" springboard. 21 states will hold their presidential primaries on Feb 5 and the results of WV's convention, held that morning, would be known nationwide while the polls were still open in other states.

Also registered for the convention are: US Sen. Sam Brownback(R-KS), former ARK govenor Mike Huckabee, US Representative Duncan Hunter (R-CA), US Representative Ron Paul (R-TX), Alan Keyes, former Reagan administration diplomat, and Maryland businessman Gene Zarwell. - Bigger, Better!.
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Health Care and John Edwards: Daily Cox & Forkum

Cox and Forkum - Bigger, Better!.
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Rock Star Behavior = Rock Star Results

by Trigger Girlie

Today I was checking my email when something caught my eye. That something was a Yahoo News article titled "Study: Rock Stars Actually Do Die Young." My initial reaction was: "Really!" (OK, it was a little different, but you catch the drift).

So: indulging in obsessive behaviors such as excessive drug and alcohol use, unbalanced diet, and having more sexual partners than an African Silverbacked gorilla will actually speed up one's demise?

Well, butter my butt and call me a biscuit!

Apparently it took a whole team of scientists to determine that all those above mentioned things--especially if used all together--WILL mess you up in the long run and cause you to kick the bucket before your time.

The study also shows that "British and US rock stars are two to three times more likely to die young, primarily of drug and alcohol abuse…" Three times more likely than WHOM? Rock stars from Pakistan or Zimbabwe? The whole statement is akin to saying "People who lay down on railroad tracks are more likely to be hit by a train."

Do we need studies to prove that when you combine obsessive behaviors (aspirations of becoming a rock star, getting laid) with the usual rock star perks(read: drugs, girls, and money, which those people are chasing to begin with), you get a drug addicted, irresponsible moron on their way to rehab and eventually to his/her grave?

Now if these studies involved taking a couple of specimens like Britney, Courtney, or Cindi, locking them in a cell for 15 years while injecting them with all sorts of chemicals, then watching the train wrecks unravel before they came to a halt, it would be fine in my book. But those "scientists" get paid big bucks to tell us that the earth is round, the grass is green, and Howard Dean has mental problems.

There is a list of Rock Stars that died before their time, among them: Elvis Presley, Kurt Cobain, and Jimi Hendrix. It took a scientist to determine that Presley's food binges took him to an early grave via a massive heart attack? Or Cobain's marriage to the beast(no, not Courtney Love)that was heroin made him pull that trigger? Or that Jimi's cocktail of sleeping pills and wine caused him to choke to death on his own vomit?

Actually, it did take one scientist. His name is Mark Bellis, who specializes in the effects of alcohol, drugs, and violence on public health. In other words: if you want to know whats going to happen if you pop PCP, drink a bottle of grain alcohol, then take an axe along while grocery shopping, then Mark is your go-to man. - Bigger, Better!.
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Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Health Care: Little Baby Ginn Interviews JOHN EDWARDS?


by Little Baby Ginn

I’m sitting here thinking about John Edwards and I’m thinking what the heck is he? I know for a fact that he’s loves to run for office, he’s turned his bid for the Democratic Presidential hopeful into his “occupation” and why not? He gets to go out and schmooze people while they fork over their money so he can keep going out and schmooze more people. A “perpetual schmoozing” machine with perhaps an Oval Office prize at the end. The press follows him around, the gullible fawn over him, and if for some reason Hillary and Obama were to fall out of the race, then, hey, who’s the Dems gonna call? Johnny On The Spot Edwards.

Avast ye, Johnny! Yarrr! I'll run ye through!

So I wonder, here he is, out campaigning, and saying stuff. Is anyone paying attention? Did anyone happen to catch Johnny’s latest Deep Thoughts on “Mandatory Health Care.” Here’s what Johnny had to say:

"It requires that everybody be covered. It requires that everybody get preventive care," he told a crowd sitting in lawn chairs in front of the Cedar County Courthouse. "If you are going to be in the system, you can't choose not to go to the doctor for 20 years. You have to go in and be checked and make sure that you are OK."

He noted, for example, that women would be required to have regular mammograms in an effort to find and treat "the first trace of problem." Edwards and his wife, Elizabeth, announced earlier this year that her breast cancer had returned and spread.

Edwards said his mandatory health care plan would cover preventive, chronic and long-term health care. The plan would include mental health care as well as dental and vision coverage for all Americans.

"The whole idea is a continuum of care, basically from birth to death," he said.

More here.

I decided to sit down and have an imaginary question and answer session with Johnny Edwards.

Me: So John, I read your statement about your plans for a national health care system and all I can say is, cool beans, John!

John: Why thank you very much, Little Baby Ginn and I can tell by looking at you that you’re in perfect health.

Me: Why thank you, John Edwards, and yes, I am. Let me read what you said the other day. You said about your proposed national health care plan, “It requires that everybody be covered.” This is slightly different than say, everyone is covered, right?”

Johnny: Well, that’s not true, Little Baby Ginn, see, under my plan, everyone is covered, so if you get sick, you have medical care, the finest medical care.”

Me: “Well, that’s terrific but you also said this:

“If you are going to be in the system, you can't choose not to go to the doctor for 20 years. You have to go in and be checked and make sure that you are OK."
That kind of sounds to me, you know, if you don’t choose a doctor then you’re out of luck?”

Johnny: I wouldn’t put it that way, Little Baby Ginn, I said, you need to pick a doctor…”

Me: Yes, you said from “birth to death.”

Johnny: That’s right, from birth to death, the whole idea is continuum of care so that you will be able to prevent a future illness. Everyone has to be healthy.

Me: What if you decide you don’t like the idea of being forced to see a doctor? That you’d prefer to see a doctor, say, when you got sick?”

Johnny: Well, (laughs), that’s a bad decision, you need to have a doctor and see one regularly in order to prevent illness.

Me: Well, this, on its face, is true. But some would like to have a choice on whether or not they’d want to have to go see a doctor. To some, this smacks of Big Brother and the way I see it, you say that if someone doesn’t choose to see a doctor then they forfeit their right to health care.

Johnny: This is true, either you’re in the program or you don’t get the benefits.

Me: So if someone pays taxes which funds this program and they decide not to follow your rules then they will be locked out, right? Even though they paid for it?”

Johnny: I wouldn’t look at it that way, Little Baby Ginn, that’s too cynical.

Me: But true, right? No follow your rules, no health care?”

Johnny: No, not true, again you’re being misleading.
Read the rest of LittleBabyGinn's grilling of John Edwards - Bigger, Better!.
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Lenses: A Love Song for Salman Rushdie

We are wanderers all
In the shapeshifting dunes of our days
Seeking amidst the sandstorms
The sight of a sheltered course
So we sift our pasts to cast our futures
And grind lenses to focus our lives.
Most are less than original
But each has its own eccentricities
Fitted for one eye, one terrain;
No lens is universal, and no path

by Salamantis - Bigger, Better!.
Read the rest.

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Islamofascism vs. Christian Fundamentalism: Which is the Greater Threat?

by Salamantis
I view the contemporary Islamofascist memeset as currently more globally dangerous to freedom and tolerance than the Fundamentalist Christian one, for a number of reasons.

1) Recent History

The lion's share of mass-killing terror attacks in the past quarter-century have been perpetrated by these people, and not Fundamentalist Christians (although they, too, are on my "Danger, Will Robinson!" list). 9/11, London, Beslan, Bali, Madrid, the USS Cole, the Kenyan and Tanzanian embassies, the Khobar Towers...the list could go on and on.

Read rest of article

by Mondoreb - Bigger, Better!.
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Construction Ahead! Expect Delays!

There will be some work on-site over the next 4-5 hours.

Expect some delays and there may be loss of comments.

But the final result will be pleasing and more functional.

Thank you for your understanding!

Everything should be completed by 9 pm EDT.

by Mondoreb - Bigger, Better!.
Death by 1000 Papercuts Front Page.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Justice Dept: Democratic Senate Leaders Now Confident!

Leahy, Specter Convinced: With Gonzales Gone, Law & Order Will At Last Reign


Patrick Leahy (D-Vt) has assigned his keen, analytical mind to the task of ensuring that the US Department of Justice be devoted to--justice. Leahy, (the Clinton years notwithstanding) who's never met an independent counsel he didn't like, seemed eager to unleash his balanced, non-partisan intellect.

"I've asked for an independent investigation of what Mr. Gonzales said when he gave sworn testimony that I did not find credible," said Senator Leahy. "And
now, for the first time in history, the inspector general in the Department
of Justice is doing that investigation."

Although most Rightwing Madmen consider Gonzales a kind of "designated pinata", they were relieved when they discovered that Leahy was to be their adversary on the Muppet-like ex-Attorney General's investigation. Leahy was joined in his quest by 'every Democrat's favorite Senator', Arlen Specter (RINO-Pa).

"Somebody who understands the difference between being the president's lawyer and being the chief law enforcement officer for the United States, who has a duty to the American people, in addition to being a cabinet officer," said Senator Specter. "I think he ought to select somebody who will give him some candid, frank, forceful advice on what's constitutional."

Leahy may be remembered as Richard Durbin's (D-IL) primary defender in 'Nazi-gate'. Durbin likened US troops to "Nazis". Leahy rushed to his defense saying, "First of all, with Sen. Durbin, I'd be very careful about taking quotes off the Wall Street Journal editorial page."

He added, "They are notorious for taking quotes totally out of context," he added, "even making them up." When it was pointed out that the quotes had appeared online and were taken verbatim from audio recordings of Durbin's Senate speech, Leahy cunningly changed directions and fired back, "We could also think of the tens of thousands of Iraqi lives that have been lost since the fall of Hussein."

Leahy was said to be busy looking up the meaning of the word "credible", when asked to comment for this piece later in the day.

Leahy, Specter Gun For Gonzales

Who Ya Gonna Call? Patrick Leahy, Nazi-Buster! - Bigger, Better!.
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Sunday, September 2, 2007

Weird News: Prostitute May Be Eligible for Worker's Comp

The New Zealand Herald reported in June that a prostitute may be eligible for worker's compensation based on her having been injured when the car in which she was riding plunged down a hillside. Because the driver was a john who was taking her to a site he had chosen for their encounter, the Prostitutes Collective trade union said hers were "workplace" injuries.

More Weird News
by Mondoreb - Bigger, Better!.
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