Latest Dog the Bounty Hunter:
DBKP Dog the Bounty Hunter Stories: Updated January 6, 2008
* Tim Chapman, Buck Naked Bounty Hunter
* DBKP Snags Nifty "White Supremacist" Award
* Angry Liberal Disses Dog, Roy Innis, Sean Hannity
PPP's Snoop Responds!
* More Fake White Liberal Outrage: The Rehabilitation of Duane "Dog" Chapman
* Rumors Rumble About Dog's Return
* Civil Rights Pioneer Mentors Dog!
Dog Buys Under-Privileged Kids $26,000 Worth of Toys
Dog Rally Set for NYC Thursday
Black Group Hosts Toy Giveaway, Dog the Bounty Hunter Saturday
Big Rumblings from the Rumor Mill
Today's the Day We Send the "Bring Back Dog" Petition to A & E Network
Two Bounty Hunter Stories: What Would Dog Do?
The tale of the Bounty Hunter and the bounty hunters.
Dog's Fans Play Offense
A Rally for Dog - Join the Boycott - Send a Pineapple
NEW! A Call to Action: Let's Get Critical!
A detailed look at what happened and what fans can do.
NEW! A&E Canceled Handicapped Kids' Dreams
A&E canceled more than the Bounty Hunter Show when they pulled Dog
White Supremacists Put $75,000 Bounty on Bounty Hunter's Head
Aryan Nation Puts a Price on Dog's Head?
Girlfriend Has Message for Dog's Fans on MySpace
Monique Shinnery Reveals What She Thinks of Dog's Fans
SIGN the "Bring Back Dog" Petition:
Dog Trivia
How much do you know about Duane "Dog" Chapman?
Editorial Round-Up
What papers around the country said then about Dog.
Sue Him!
Tucker's Girlfriend, Monique Shinnery, Reveals Her Plans
Judge Rules On Mexican Case
Dog's only good news during a rough stretch
Dog the Bounty Hunter Now Canceled
A&E cancels the popular show after a temporary suspension
A&E Pulls Dog the Bounty Hunter Off the Air
Dog shows suspended; Dog apologizes; Audio tapes of phone call
Tucker's Girlfriend Rejects Dog's Apology
Monique Shinnery rejects apology; Rumors about Tucker's $$$
Two Fan's Reactions - videos
Two Dog Fans record their opinions in videos
Short and Long Audio Tapes
Both the short and full tapes of Dog's cellphone call
Vendetta! Tucker sold the tapes to the Enquirer
We first learn of how the Enquirer got the tapes.
Dog the Bounty Hunter and Black America
Some reactions from Black America
Dog Still Loves the Son Who Sold Him Out
Did you expect anything else?
Dog Petitions Spring Up All Over Internet
Sign a petition to help out the Dog.
Larry King Live Video
Larry King interviews the Bounty Hunter.
Larry King Live transcript
Larry King Live transcript; Dog's Troubles - video
Doug the Nazi Hunter
Doug the Nazi Hunter won't take the Dog's place - video
Interview on Hannity & Colmes
Part 2 of the Dog's appearance on H&C.
How Much Money Did Tucker Receive?
Was it Worth it?
Dog Nixed from Christmas Parade
Christmas Parade and Dog Agree to Cancelation
Dog the Bounty Hunter: Complete Story
The complete story up to that point; videos
Videos and stories about Dog the Bounty Hunter
This is not all the DBKP stories on Dog the Bounty Hunter. Check the listings at the bottom of the page on older stories for others
by Mondoreb

Death by 1000 Papercuts Front Page.
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