Tucker Chapman's girlfriend has a message for angry fans of Dog the Bounty Hunter: I'm not listening to you.
Monique Shinnery's MySpace page features the quotes "Hate All You Want But You Can't Break The Girl Who Thinks Nothing Of You."
The quote apparently is a response to the reaction she's received after threatening to sue the show's star.
It appeared her page on the popular Internet social site, MySpace.
A video montage of Shinnery and Duane "Dog" Chapman below. The montage, which features Shinnery and clips of the Dog answering questions about her.
Shinnery, keeps talking about her plans to sue the show's star, Duane "Dog" Chapman, for remarks he made during a private cellphone converstion.
Those remarks were most likely illegally taped and sold to the National Enquirer, who released them a little over two weeks ago.
The tapes, which featured the Bounty Hunter's use of the N-word, caused a furor and led to the cancellation of his popular show on Arts and Entertainment Network.
Shinnery keeps talking about suing the Bounty Hunter, as she was last week.
Otherwise, the Dog is out of sight.
After a fast and furious week at damage control last week, all seems quiet on the Dog the Bounty Hunter front. Larry King Live and Hannity and Colmes were the two main avenues used to reach out to the public for Dog "Duane" Chapman.
Now, for the last several days, Dog has disappeared from the public's eye.
It's just as well as the only voices that have been heard for several days have been those of Dog's fans clamoring to sign Internet petition designed to help get his "Dog the Bounty Hunter" back on the air.
Petitions can be signed at:Bring Back Dog Petition to A&E.
Also, at Bring Back Dog Petition
Another online petition address below.
For Dog the Bounty Hunter's fans, signing petitions across the Internet, it's work to bring back a show they enjoy.
For Duane "Dog" Chapman, it's No News is Good News.
by Mondoreb
Petition is at other locations: one other Bring Back Dog petition.
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