[hat tip: pat]
[Very few stories deserve a WTF!?! This is one.]
Think of Hawaii and you think of sunshine, beaches and bikinis.
However, word comes today of a particularly gruesome crime, especially if you are a pet owner.
Two former Moanalua Golf Club employees were charged on theft charges of a member's pet dog.
They were indicted for butchering and eating the pet.
Saturnino Palting, 58, and Nelson Domingo, 43, both of Kalihi, were indicted by an Oahu grand jury on charges of second-degree theft and first-degree cruelty to animals. Both crimes are class C felonies punishable by up to five years in prison and a $10,000 fine.
Circuit Judge Steven Alm issued $20,000 bench warrants for the defendants.
The pet's owner was relieved upon hearing that the two had been indicted.
"That's great news," said Frank Manuma, the dog's owner, "We're delighted that it's moving forward."
His dog Caddy was an 8-month-old German shepherd-Labrador mix.
Manuma took Caddy with him to Moanalua Golf Club on Dec. 16 and had permission to leave his pet at an equipment shack near the clubhouse while he golfed. When he went to retrieve Caddy after he finished golfing, Caddy and the leash used to keep him at the shack were gone.
Other golf club members told the golf club manager they saw maintenance workers Palting and Domingo load the dog into a car about the time they ended their shifts. The manager said he called Palting and Domingo back to work and fired them.
Manuma's wife, Debbie Weil-Manuma, said police told her and her husband that the maintenance workers confessed to taking the dog, butchering and eating it. A third man, another golf course employee who was not working that day, told police Palting and Domingo took the dog to his house, where they killed and butchered it.
Caddy's owners were understandably grieving. They never had children nor had they owned a pet dog together before they took on the butchered Caddy.
According to the Star Bulletin, "They considered the dog their little boy."
Their story attracted attention, drew expressions of sympathy and offers of new dogs from people as far away as Colorado.
Manuma said he and his wife didn't want to accept a new dog because they felt it was too early after the loss of their first. But on Jan. 2, he said, they relented and accepted a 3-month-old German shepherd-Golden retriever mix.
"We wanted to do it for the people out there," Manuma said.
They named the dog Caddy 2.
Okay, now some questions.
Why do you butcher and eat a man's dog?
Had there been a dispute between the maintenance workers and Manuma, or did the workers just butcher the dog "for the hell of it"?
There are many more questions to ask, but they will probably be answered in the coming weeks as more information on the case becomes available.
However, one last question keeps bugging us, so we'll ask it.
"Do the pet butchers believe in karma"?
by Mondoreb
[image: flickr]
Source: Two men allegedly stole, killed, butchered, and ate A beloved dog

Death by 1000 Papercuts Front Page.
I hope they went to jail and got just repayment