All Ron Paul DBKP stories and videos to date.From Wikipedia:
Ronald Ernest "Ron" Paul (born August 20, 1935) is a Republican United States Congressman from Lake Jackson, Texas, a physician, and a 2008 U.S. presidential candidate.
Originally from Green Tree, Pennsylvania, he has represented Texas districts in the U.S. House of Representatives (1976–1977, 1979–1985, and 1997–present). Paul placed a distant third in the 1988 presidential election, running as the Libertarian nominee while remaining a registered Republican.
After his 1961 graduation from Duke University School of Medicine and a residency in obstetrics and gynecology, he became a U.S. Air Force flight surgeon, serving outside the Vietnam War zone.
Paul has been described as conservative, Constitutionalist, and libertarian. He advocates a non-interventionist foreign policy, having voted against actions such as the Iraq War Resolution, but in favor of force against terrorists in Afghanistan. He favors withdrawal from NATO and the United Nations.
Having pledged never to raise taxes, he has long advocated ending the federal income tax and reducing government spending by abolishing most federal agencies; he favors hard money and opposes the Federal Reserve. He also opposes the Patriot Act, the federal War on Drugs, and gun control.
Paul is strongly pro-life, advocates overturning Roe v. Wade, and affirms states' rights to determine the legality of abortion.
Throughout his 2008 presidential campaign, Paul has been a leading candidate in Republican straw polls, though he has had substantially lower numbers in landline opinion polls. He has strong Internet support, leading in web searches and YouTube subscriptions.
On December 16, 2007, Paul had the largest one-day fundraiser in U.S. political history, raising over $6 million in 24 hours through a grassroots effort, organized independently from the official campaign.
DBKP Ron Paul Library
UPDATED: January 23, 2007 at 5:20 am.
Complete listing of almost 40 DBKP stories on Ron Paul to date.
* Louisiana GOP Caucuses: Results, Ron Paul Rumors and Explanations
* Ron Paul Campaign: Picks Up More of Everything
* Ron Paul's Old Newletters: TNR's Latest Beauchamp Reporting Coup
* Republican Candidate Astrological Predictions for 2008
* Ron Paul and the Non-Debate: Paul Supporters NOT Kooks There was one guy, though...
* Debates, Forums, Fox and the New Hampshire GOP: What we Know at the Moment
* Rumors Ron Paul Dissed by Fox Untrue
* What We've Learned: NH GOP Excluding RP, Not Fox
* Ron Paul Blimp Parodies: The Blimpenberg Blitzkrieg Disasters
* The Ron Paul Great Debate Christmas Day Map Almost 3100 shout-outs from Pauldom
* Record Fund-Raising Effort Convincining: Ron Paul Ready for Prime-Time
* Ron Paul: Get Excited Our Ron Paul video
* Ron Paul Pictures Wanted

* The Ron Paul 30-Second Video Contest
* Ron Paul Dollars: Secret Service, FBI Raid Old Adversary Liberty Dollar
* UPDATE: Surprise Raid Seizes Two Tons of Ron Paul Dollars
* FBI Raid Seizes Two Tons of Ron Paul Dollars
* Ron Paul: A Cure for Writer's Block
* Ron Paul and the Internet: Who Found Who?
* Gold Standard Stories: Tale of Two Rons Ron Paul wasn't the only Ron who liked the Gold Standard
* Ron Paul's Money Bomb with video
* Ron Paul's Foreign Policy in the Nutshell with 3:45 minute video that is Paul foreign policy in the nutshell
* Ron Paul vs. Solidad O'Brien: Is This Media Objectivity? with video of RP being interviewed by Solidad O'Brien

* View from the Cheap Seats: How are Paul, Kucinich, Dodd, Hunter et al. Are Doing
* Republican Leaders Fret: What to Do about the 'Ron Paul Phenomenom?
* Ron Paul Campaign: One Contribution Does Not a Nazi Make
* Poll: Ron Paul in Third Party Run?
* Poor Liv: Ron Paul Girl Has Few Clothes with video of Ron Paul girl, Liv
* The Ron Paul Phenomenon: Is it For Real? Part 2
* The Ron Paul Phenomenon: Real or Manufactured? Part 1
* Thrilling Aerial Battle in Skies Above Iowa
* Ron Paul with Wolf Blitzer in the Situation Room with video
* Ron Paul Vs. Rudy Giuliani on 9/11: The Entire Exchange with video of entire debate exchange

* Steve Colbert and Ron Paul: Competing for the Same Votes? One writer's analysis
* Obama's Phoenix Rally: Ron Paul Supporter Asked to Leave
* Goldfarb, Weekly Standard Take a Look at Whom Troops Support
* The Story of the Houston Chronicle Story: Whom the Troops Support is Still Secret The results said RP, the Chronicle's method used was secret
* Military Contributions: Paul, Obama, and McCain Lead
* Moral of the Ron Paul-Alex Jones Tale: Take the "Attack Button" off Auto-Pilot
* Hillary Thrilled with Possible Paul Third Party Run
* Papercut Poll: Which RP positions Do You Agree with?
compiled by Mondoreb[image: ronpaulimages]
Source: Wikipedia - Ron Paul

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