by Mondoreb
The latest Death by 1000 Papercuts poll results are in--and they are somewhat surprising. When given the chance to vote on the question, "Which political positions by Texas Congressman and Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul do you agree with?", respondents agreed with many of the choices.
The two most popular positions were, "Eliminate the I.R.S." and "Pull out of the United Nations", both favored by 62% of those polled.
Of the 14 choices offered, the one that proved the least popular was "None of the above", with 0%. Paul's regular poll figures have consistently showed his support at somewhere between 3-6%, depending on the poll. Internet and call-in polls are different, however. Some of those polls show that up 75% favor the doctor/Congressman, who ran for President in 1988 on the Libertarian Party ticket. Paul finished 3rd, but only polled 0.47% of the popular vote. He was the ballot in 46 states and the District of Columbia.
Which of the following positions of Ron Paul do you agree with?
1 Eliminate the IRS 62%
2 Pull out of the United Nations 62%
3 End the federal War on Drugs 55%
4 Use U.S. troops to guard Mexican border 55%
5 End most foreign aid. 48%
6 End Social Security 37%
7 Abolish FEMA 37%
8 Getting rid of the Department
of Homeland Security 33%
9 End of U.S. involvement with Iraq 29%
10 Overturn the Patriot Act 29%
11 Pull out of NATO 25%
12 End most International Trade Agreements 25%
13 All of the above 22%
14 None of the above. 0%
(Respondents could pick more than one choice.)

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