"Jane Roe" Endorses Paul

The Ron Paul campaign continues to pick up three things: money, endorsements and the scorn of pundits.
It may also looks like the Texan Congressman will be picking up some delegates later today.
It's been speculated that at least part of the reason Fred Thompson dropped out of the contest today was due to money--or lack of it. And Mike Huckabee's campaign staff is said to be working for free, also due to a lack of money.
Meanwhile, the Paul campaign collected another $2 million dollars on MLK Day, most of it in the form of small donations (under $50).
Meanwhile, Paul has picked up three endorsements in the last 24 hours.
The first from Gary "Veto" Johnson, former governor of New Mexico.
Yesterday, former New Mexico Governor Gary "Veto" Johnson announced that he is supporting Dr. Paul for president. Governor Johnson is an icon to small-government conservatives and libertarians for his long-standing commitment to the principles of the Founders. You can read our press release here.
The second endorsement came from well-known financial commentator, Donald L. Luskin.
This morning, Ron Paul also received the glowing endorsement of Donald L. Luskin, a prominent financial commentator on CNBC and Chief Investment Officer for Trend Macrolytics LLC. You can read Don's editorial in National Review about why Ron Paul is right for America here.
And finally, Dr. Paul, an ardent foe of abortion, received an endorsement on the 35th anniversary of Roe v. Wade of "Jane Roe" aka Norma McCorvey.
On the 35th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court ruling, Norma McCorvey (a.k.a. "Jane Roe," who later changed her views on abortion in the mid-90s) gave Paul her official endorsement today.
"I support Ron Paul for president because we share the same goal, that of overturning Roe v. Wade. He has never wavered on the issue of being pro-life and has a voting record to prove it. He understands the importance of civil liberties for all, including the unborn," she said at a press conference in Washington this morning.
Paul accepted the pro-life activist's endorsement, saying of abortion: "It is still one of the most crucial issues of our day that we deal with this. As much as I talk about economic liberties, and civil liberties, and trying to avoid the killing overseas, I think the issue of life is paramount."
On Fox earlier today, Paul blamed the Federal Reserve for the weak economy.
Paul blamed the Federal Reserve for the current economic conditions; stock markets worldwide fell Monday after Wall Street declined last week. On his Web site, he said the Fed has taken the United States “into a terrible crisis.”
Paul told an overflow crowd at a suburban New Orleans hotel Monday that the Fed has allowed the dollar to weaken, which in turn, he said, has hurt the middle class and led to inflation.
“I would enjoy being the next president to get rid of our central bank,” he told supporters. The crowd gave him a raucous welcome, chanting at one point, “Who dat? Who dat say they’re gonna beat Ron Paul?” — a riff on a popular football chant for the New Orleans Saints.
Paul called for the abolition of the federal income tax.
Ron Paul's prescription for staving off recession is likely to strike a chord with many voters--especially around April 15.
He wasn't above saying "I told you so".
Paul had warned that the current economic crises would develop and has blamed the Federal Reserve for creating it. Paul said, “The Fed has again taken our country into a terrible crisis. Who else is talking about honest money that cannot be printed up at will by DC bureaucrats? My opponents in both parties are all some variety of print-and-spend Keynesians.”
Paul continued, “Only we are telling the truth, about who is to blame for this recession, and how we can build real prosperity with sound money, no IRS, no deficit, and strict obedience to the Constitution. And, of course, no hyper-expensive, hyper-dangerous empire all around the globe.”
Paul is campaigning for Louisiana's 47 delegates and is expected to reap his fair share of the delegates in the Bayou State.
Coming off his second-place showing in Nevada, the campaign is upbeat and the continued strong fund raising is expected to continue.
The vast majority of Paul donors are far underneath their limit of $2300, a concern for other campaigns that have depended on large bundled contributions.
Back to Louisiana. This assessment was offered by "best of New Orleans".
"The biggest surprise to come out of Louisiana's GOP delegate process thus far involves Ron Paul, the Texas congressman mounting a quasi-libertarian campaign that has been defined by its grassroots organization. Dore says the Paul campaign dropped off a 'whole slate" of delegates about two weeks ago " a surprise showing that wasn't expected. If any controversy arises from the delegate process, it will be from Paul's camp. 'We're being watchful, though, because we want to make sure all of the delegates were registered Republicans before the Nov. 30 deadline," Dore says, adding there was a great deal of interest expressed by nonparty voters about switching to the GOP in support of Paul. 'We started contacting registrars of voters in 17 parishes yesterday about roughly 90 people, the vast majority of which were signed up for Ron Paul.""
While other campaigns are reporting problems, name recognition is still the largest problem the Paul campaign must overcome.
That's the state of the Ron Paul campaign on Tuesday January 22, 2008.
by Mondoreb
[image: ronpaul2008]
* Jane Roe endorses Paul
* Ron Paul Raises Nearly $2 Million on MLK Day
* Paul Blames Federal Reserve for Weak Economy
* Ron Paul Calls for Elimination of the Federal Income Tax

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