Ron Paul's Foreign Policy: In the Nutshell, In his Own Words
The Four-Minute Ron Paul: Love Him or Hate Him
If you have heard others arguing about Republican candidate, Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX), you will likely hear two different extremes.
"Ron Paul is a the real deal American!"
"Ron Paul is a kook!"
Paul, a Republican with strong libertarian leanings is most controversial on issues of U.S. foreign policy. Most especially his stand on the War in Iraq. Dr. Paul--he is a medical doctor--wants to end U.S. involvement immediately and return American troops home. This stand has earned him supporters from both Left and Right.
It has also earned him condemnation, mostly from the center and right. There seems to be no middle ground.
On other issues, he has a less controversial image.
This video is a chance to hear the candidate in his own words, answering questions about U.S. foreign policy on a variety of topics. It's short (3:45) and sweet. It is Ron Paul's foreign policy views in the nutshell.
It is also Ron Paul in his own words. All killer, no filler. Other than the questions, no media interference or bias, either.
It covers 9/11, Iran, Rudy Giuliani, the Middle East and the U.S. military. You will either love this or hate it. But it is unedited and Paul in his own words.
You be the judge.
by Mondoreb

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