Rudy Giuliani vs. Ron Paul on 9/11. [video 4:34]
If you put up a Ron Paul video, you hear both sides, you read both sides--there seems to be no middle ground on Dr. Paul. No comments or emails are ever received which say "Oh, I don't know how I feel about Ron Paul".
I hear people swear by Ron Paul; I hear others swear at him.
So, putting up any video invites attacks, even though most posters are passionate, yet perfectly civil. We thought this video would be a good illustration of the "No Middle Ground About Ron Paul" Theory. It's the famous exchange between Paul and Rudy Giuliani at the South Carolina debate earlier this year. It's the entire exchange: most anti-Paul videos cut away at Giuliani's applause. The pro-Paul videos we've seen only show Ron Paul's answer to Rudy.
At 4:34, this is the entire back-and-forth between the two men. Your position on the issues will naturally affect who you think came out on top here.
You be the judge.
by Mondoreb

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