Friday, September 7, 2007

Video: DANGER High Voltage

Electric Six's classic story of unprotected electrical current
among the smart set. And the resulting chaos.
A fable for our time.

by Mondoreb - Bigger, Better!.
Death by 1000 Papercuts Front Page.


  1. Some of these, I put up just for me.

  2. OK, I have played it 3 times. It is strangely addictive. Usually at this stage I need Ginn to pull me back from the brink. LOL

  3. Pat!
    You are exactly right!
    It is like watching Sin City.
    When I first saw that...I couldn't take my eyes off it...I had to figure out later if I liked it.

    Like after the 3rd time I saw it in two days.

  4. "Fire in the Taco Bell" refers , of course to the hottest of the 3 sauces served by Taco Bell. Rather tepid too. But what a strange line in view of the rest of the words. And totally out of context of the 1920's Teslian decadence that permeates the song. You know this took real effort.


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