Saturday, September 22, 2007

Step Away from the Islamic Republic

"I'm Not Kidding!
You'll Be Sorry! Really!"

by Mondoreb

Iran issued the latest in its seemingly-endless string of warnings this morning. The freshest warning has a whiff of the others: Don't mess with us!' Likening Iranian forces to his country's burgeoning nuclear program, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said both were for 'peaceful purposes'.
From the BBC this morning:
Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has issued a tough warning to any country considering an attack on Iran.
He said Iran's forces were just for defence, but that anybody who attacked would experience nothing but regret.
In a direct rebuke to American peaceniks, Congressional Democrats and EuroGoofs everywhere, Iran's president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, bragged that sanctions wouldn't work, so don't even try.
"Those [countries] who assume that decaying methods such as psychological war, political propaganda and the so-called economic sanctions would work and prevent Iran's fast drive toward progress are mistaken," the president said.
And of course, when Iranian military officials are captured transporting explosives into Iraq,as happened a few days ago, they are also there for "peaceful purposes". Leftists are distressed about those Americans "beating the drums for war with Iran."

Forget the drums. It's time to start beating on the Islamic Republic itself.

[pic by Newprophecynet] - Bigger, Better!.
Death by 1000 Papercuts Front Page.


  1. Gee looking at the soldiers. Notice the kevlar helmet with the old US pattern chocolate chip desert camo cover. While the uniform itself is more akin to British desert uniforms. Lets not forget the German G-3 7.62mm assault rifles.

    I do admit the white gloves and dickey adds a certain sartorial splendor and allows these soldiers a quick French option when in battle.

  2. Damn, Anna!
    You are a walking, talking one-woman European military encyclopedia!

    I do admit the white gloves and dickey adds a certain sartorial splendor and allows these soldiers a quick French option when in battle.

    Now, now...the French are showing distinct signs of growing a backbone! And I always have a soft spot for the French of yesteryear--they went bankrupt helping finance the American Revolution.

    But my soft spot grows harder after 240 time's running out for them!

  3. I love this comment: " but that anybody who attacked would experience nothing but regret. "

    Far as I see it, i'm filled with regret every day this puke and his country get another chance to breathe in oxygen. So how much more regret am I gonna face?

    I personally feel that after about 3 dozen well placed missile attacks on Iran, the Iranian Army will resemble lemmings in Europe heading to the coast. And when the dust settles, it won't be the Quds Force but the Quits Force.

  4. I also noted the expensive German NATO weapon versus the ubiquitous AK 47 the Iranians actually use. Hence the gloves. Do not the good stuff dirty. Pat


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