It wasn't the "big one", but every time the dishes shake in California, people in the Golden State are a little uneasy. A 5.6 magnitude quake shook the San Francisco area last night.
Many Californians still have vivid memories of the San Francisco 1989 'World Series Quake' which disrupted life in the Bay area. More on this earth-shaking news fromCNN:
A moderate earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 5.6 struck Northern California Tuesday night, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.Not much was disrupted; the trains suffered only a hiccup.
The quake's epicenter was about five miles north-northeast of Alum Rock, California, and nine miles northeast of San Jose's City Hall, the USGS said. It hit at 8:04 p.m. (11:04 p.m. ET).
There were no immediate reports of damage or casualties.
Rafael Abreu of the USGS said that a 5.6 quake was considered moderate but could provide "a pretty strong jolt."
Bay Area Rapid Transit said trains were stopped for five minutes after the quake, Pacific Gas & Electric Co. reported no power outages, according to affiliate KTVU.Another quake and life goes on in California. What else should it do?
by Mondoreb
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