Sunday, October 21, 2007

911 Victim Finally Laid To Rest:

Funeral Was Friday


by Mondoreb & Little Baby Ginn

Six years after the events of September 11, a victim is finally laid to rest. From
Laura Lee Morabito was laid to rest Friday, six years after she died in a plane that struck one of the World Trade Center towers in the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

"It's somewhat surreal being in front of you after 6 years of my sister's death," said Craig Defazio of Clarks Summit, Pa., during a funeral service at the Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Skaneateles.

The funeral was scheduled after Morabito's wedding ring and her remains, identified through DNA testing Sept. 12, was returned to her family. Two memorial services had been held in 2001. This time, the family said, they could have the relief of burying her in St. Joseph's Cemetery in Fleming where a headstone awaits.

"In another sense, I could feel a whole lot of emotion being resurrected again," Defazio said.

Laura Lee Morabito, 34, was a passenger on American Airlines Flight 11 out of Boston, Mass., that was hijacked by terrorists and crashed into the Twin Towers in New York Sept. 11. She was a national sales manager for Qantas Airways and is believed to have been seated in first class, next to two of the hijackers.
Another family hopefully finds a little closure, six years after.


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