Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The Case of the Missing $1.2 Billion

Training Funds For
Iraqi Police Unaccounted


Report: Most of $1.2 billion to train Iraqi police unaccounted for

by Mondoreb

It's a delight,whenever washing clothes, to find $5 in a pants pocket. "How could I have misplaced five dollars?"

It's not so hard to sometimes misplace money, but $1.2 billion? The government takes a look into some missing money. From CNN:
The U.S. State Department is unable to account for most of $1.2 billion in funding that it gave to DynCorp International to train Iraqi police, a government report said Tuesday.

"The bottom line is that State can't account for where it went," said Glenn D. Furbish, who was involved in putting together the 20-page report for the special inspector general for Iraq reconstruction (SIGIR).

"Their records are just not detailed," Furbish said Monday in a telephone interview. "From an audit perspective, we've identified the problem; they're working to rectify the problem."
When $1.2 billion is the sum in question, it's hoped that the problem is "rectified" in a hurry.


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