Friday, October 19, 2007

Mystery of the Delaware Dolls


by Mondoreb & Little Baby Ginn

What's up with the mysterious Delaware Dolls?

It's a story that makes one go "How nice!"--unless you've seen the movie, 'Chucky'.

From Delaware online:
It is a sight that is either cute or creepy, depending on your perspective.

Various residents on Dodd Avenue, just north of Dewey Beach, have woken up to find porcelain dolls on their property -- without explanation.

The street intersects with Del.1 and is part of the Ann Acres neighborhood.

Ellen Elliott is in possession of three of the dolls. "I think it started on Sept. 24 or 25," she said. "There were four of us who had dolls sitting on our front steps. There was one sitting on the hood of my car.

"My first thought was, 'Oh, how nice.' They're beautiful dolls. But when I found out my neighbors also had them I began to wonder what was going on."

Read into this what you will: the beginnings of an elaborate terrorist plot, a philanthropist using dolls as his medium, or just someone clearing out the attic?

Will Dodd Avenue become a sort of Elm Street?


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