Monday, October 1, 2007

Remote Control Blow-Up Dolls
Confiscated At Airport?

by Mondoreb & Little Baby Ginn

Another "opening" in the War on Terror?
From The New York Times
WASHINGTON, Oct. 1 — Citing “credible specific information” about terror tactics, Transportation Security Administration officers nationwide on Monday stepped up their scrutiny of passengers carrying remote-control toys aboard airplanes.

The move was not motivated by a specific terror plot, said Kip Hawley, the assistant secretary at the Department of Homeland Security in charge of aviation security. But there is concern both in the United States and internationally that common remote-control toys could be used to detonate a bomb as part of a terror plot.

The aviation authorities decided against banning the devices in carry-on bags. But people carrying remote-control toys — including children — could be subject to a more intense search, in which the passenger is patted down and the baggage is checked by hand, officials said.
Were remote controlled blow-up dolls, vibrators and butt plugs also confiscated? These would be an example of remote controlled "toys". Meanwhile, it was rumored a near riot broke out among airport screeners, fighting amongst themselves to "search" the confiscated dolls. - Bigger, Better!.
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