by Little Baby Ginn
Terrorists threaten presidential candidate, cite Rudy's war stance, Arafat treatment
Where Is Jimmy Carter’s Outrage?
Too Busy attacking VP Cheney?
When It's More Than Just A War Of Words
Apparently Republican presidential candidate, Rudy Giuliani, has touched a few nerves in the terrorist community. A well-known terrorist organization spokesman, Ramadan Adassi, chief of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades:
WND Exclusive ELECTION 2008Pre-9/11, Osama in 1996, Bin Laden issued a fatwa or declaration of war against the United States. No one knew it would eventually mean the death of over 3000 of our citizens. Couldn't the same now be said about the safety of Rudy Giuliani?
"If I had the occasion to meet him (Giuliani), I would hurt him.”
Abu Hamed, chief of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades in the northern West Bank:
"[Giuliani] can hate Arafat and the Palestinians, but he knows that nobody is hated in the world more than his leadership, his party, his president, and his Zionist friends. All the polls in the world prove that this [conservative] wing of America and the Zionists are considered to be the most dangerous for the security of the world."
Palestine is and has always been Jimmy Carter’s favorite Habitat For Inhumanity. The man was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002 for in the words of the Nobel Peace Prize Awards Committee , “untiring effort to find peaceful solutions to international conflicts, to advance democracy and human rights, and to promote economic and social development."
A large of part of this Peace Prize was for Carter’s long time work in finding a “solution” to the Middle East “crisis.” Of course this Middle East crisis has been ongoing for literally decades and has afforded many Presidents, diplomats, bureaucrats and their ilk the chance to sort it out. Numerous visits to Camp David, photo op’s at the White House all in the quest to bring “peace” to the Middle East. No one has been milking the Middle East Peace Crisis a la Palestine longer than Ex-President Jimmy Carter.
When will people realize that Carter is/has been championing a long line of dedicated and outspoken terrorists--whose main occupation is brute force and terror, not democracy. Where is Jimmy Carter’s outrage over Abu Hamed, Chief of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade’s statement that he would “hurt [Giuliani]”? Or that
"[Giuliani] can hate Arafat and the Palestinians, but he knows that nobody is hated in the world more than his leadership, his party, his president, and his Zionist friends. All the polls in the world prove that this [conservative] wing of America and the Zionists are considered to be the most dangerous for the security of the world."When you adopt a long line of dysfunctional and thug children as Jimmy Carter has done all these years. With Arafat and his ilk one needs to take a closer look at terrorist enabler Carter: his “children” are not going to change. Their modus operandi works well for them. They have a United States ex-president as their spokesperson-foster father and a blank check from the citizen taxpayers of America.
When will Jimmy Carter denounce these types of statements and the terrorists who make them? Especially when made against someone like Rudy Giuliani. Giuliani stood up to the world’s most beloved thug and terrorist Arafat back in mid-90s.
Multiple leaders of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades had harsh words for Giuliani, who in 1995 famously booted Arafat from an invitation-only concert at New York's Lincoln Center celebrating the 50th anniversary of the United Nations.So apparently, Rudy's not going to be getting many Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade votes in any of the Republican primaries real soon. Of course, he would be in real trouble if they showed up at any debates: they would be the clear favorite in any Rudy-AA Martyrs Brigade showdown hosted by Chris Matthews. But the key fact to remember is: his life has been threatened by terrorists.
Arafat attempted to crash the event, and when Giuliani saw the PLO leader and his entourage making their way to a private box seat near the stage, the mayor immediately ordered Arafat off the premises, calling him a murderer and a terrorist.
Again, where is Jimmy Carter’s outrage?
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