As if the Brits didn't have enough to worry about, now comes news that Prince Harry and his main squeeze, Chelsy Davy, have split.
From the picture, Davy appears to be quite the winsome lass. But Harry's a man with a plan: he's young, a Royal and photogenic.
Doesn't is seem like Royal couples are splitting up more these days? Is it a reflection of the trends in society at large? Or just a perception?
More on one more split among Royals from CNN:
Prince Harry and his Zimbabwean-born girlfriend have ended their three-year romance, a newspaper reported Sunday.Once more: she is a looker.
The News of the World said Chelsy Davy -- who has been studying at a college in England while dating the prince -- broke off the relationship this week.
She reportedly lost patience with his playboy lifestyle and lack of commitment to her.
Clarence House, where Prince Harry lives with his father Prince Charles and his brother Prince William, declined to confirm the report, saying it doesn't comment about the royals' private lives.
Prince Harry, 21, graduated this year from Britain's elite Sandhust military academy after training to become an army officer.
The latest news is that an unhappy Chelsy, "in need of space", fled Harry. First accounts were slightly different. Most said, "She dumped him." A few, the opposite: Chelsy was the dumpee. What does it matter? Young love is no more in the Chelsy-Harry sense of the word.
One more celebrity couple bites the dust--albeit, this celebrity couple has a touch of royalty.
None of that in the States.
I searched America for a royal celebrity couple and all I got was this Britney Spears-Kevin Federline shirt.
by Mondoreb

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