Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Blog Round-up: Wednesday 11-07-07

"Little Baby Ginn's Tuesday night stroll
through DBKP's "Own Private Blogosphere"
77 percent of people oppose driver's licenses for illegal aliens
“Voters oppose driver's licenses for illegal aliens by a nearly five-to-one margin, a new Fox 5/Washington Times/Rasmussen Reports poll finds.
As immigration politics explode into the presidential race, polls show Americans are taking a hard line on benefits for illegal aliens, including opposing driver's licenses and such taxpayer-funded benefits as scholarships at state colleges for illegal-alien students.”--On 1RedThread

Canary Is Singing

This does not bode well for Democrats and Hillary Rodham Clinton. When Krugman of the New York Times starts questioning the raison d'etre of the progressive Democratic Party, it spells trouble with a capital T in River City.--On Anna's Clue Tank

False Swastika Reports At The George Washington University Have Far Reaching Consequences

Sarah Marshak, The George Washington University Jewish student who reported that multiple swastikas were drawn on her dorm room door, has allegedly confessed to drawing some of the symbols herself.

Freshman who reported swastikas drew them as well

Anti-Racist Blog fears that the consequences of Ms. Marshak's actions will be felt well beyond this student and The George Washington University. Unfortunately, Sarah's actions will unfairly put into question many actual incidents of anti-Semitism and anti-Jew racism on college campuses across the country. In addition, Ms. Marshak's conduct is going to be used to demonize Jews and Zionists more generally. This can already be seen on the Internet.--On Anti-Racist Blog

Bill Clinton: Stop Swiftboating Hillary!

Oh, for crying out loud. The Hillary campaign just keeps getting weirder. As you'll recall from last week, during the Democratic debate Hillary was asked about Eliot Spitzer's idea for giving driver's licenses to illegal immigrants. Her non-answer was such a monumental flip-flop that the other candidates were well within their rights to press her on it, as was Tim Russert, one of the moderators.--On Bilby's

by Little Baby Ginn


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