There are thousands of worthy causes jousting for our attention, our time and money. But the following was brought to our attention by the ever-indefatigable Spree over at Wake Up America and we're glad she did.
Move America Forward is a group of volunteers which has sprung up to help U.S. troops and this is the latest effort by their fairly-new organization.
Below is a start of the article Honoring Heroes At the Holidays Tour, it's a good read for sure, but there are also a ton of pictures of Americans helping other Americans.

Just the thing to get yourself going in the morning or to put you in a good mood before you turn in.
On Tuesday, November 13th, Move America Forward [] hosted the first event in what will be a 40-city cross country pro-troop tour to rally the American public to support our troops and their missions.
Along the way we're asking the public (including you) to help us collect and send over 100,000 Christmas, Hanukkah and holiday cards to our troops. The media coverage we got from our first event was outstanding - some of the best reporting you'll see about our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Please spread the word on these reports below. And help us collect those 100,000 cards for our troops during the Christmas and Hannukah holiday season.
From Move America Forward's Daily File:
Film crews worked several hours on Tuesday as flag-waving patriots, veterans, and even active duty servicemen and women showed up for a day of honoring our troops at Sacramento’s Land Park. More than 100 folks made greeting cards, sang, and packed boxes of goods for our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.
What happens when the sun is casting warm rays in a family park and hundreds of patriots show up to thank American troops? The whole world will soon see when commercials are aired nationally to thank our Armed Forces.
The group needs donations. If you wish to contribute to Move America Forward, click on the link. They could a hand, the troops would benefit and you might feel as good as those in the pictures above.
by Mondoreb

Death by 1000 Papercuts Front Page.
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