Blue Crab Boulevard weighs in on the Megan Meier MySpace story:
An adult perpetrated an internet vendetta against a 13-year old girl? Even if the goal was to hurt her feelings or emotionally wound her - a grown-up (supposed grown-up) against a child? As I mentioned last night, I have no flexibility on this issue. This is the abuse by an adult on a child. Nobody can bring Megan back, but somebody should damn sure pay for this.Source - Blue Crab Boulevard - Web Hoax Or Homocide
We've done four stories on Megan. Our outrage has not lessened. We agree with Blue Crab. An adult went after a child, and yes, Megan was still a child.
An adult who used the internet and MySpace to weave a web of lies and deceit, to set the child up and then strike like a snake in the grass: the letter of "condolence" from the perpetrators; the last note from "Josh" to Megan.
Later that day, Ron opened his daughter's MySpace account and viewed what he believes to be the final message Megan saw - one the FBI would be unable to retrieve from the hard drive.
It was from Josh and, according to Ron's best recollection, it said, "Everybody in O'Fallon knows how you are. You are a bad person and everybody hates you. Have a shitty rest of your life. The world would be a better place without you."
Our question is this: Do the hoaxers realize the enormity of what they have done?
If first you practice to deceive...
More on the Megan Meier MySpace Suicide:
Supposedly an ex-friend of Megan's replies to our stories in
"Megan Had It Coming"
MySpace Suicide:
Megan Meier's Story May Prevent Others
MySpace Suicide: The Megan Meier Story - Video
MySpace Suicide Reaction:
Outrage! Outrage! Outrage!
MySpace Cruel Prank Leads To Teen’s Suicide - Bigger, Better!.
Death by 1000 Papercuts Front Page.
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