Some people, when confronted with the problem of having too much time on their hands take up bridge. Or build birdhouses.
Or sit in a bathtub filled with 87 rattlesnakes.
One such fellow, "The Texas Snake Man" as he's known, etched his name in the Guinness Book of World Records by lounging around with 87 of his best reptilian friends. More from the Snake Paper of Record, the Houston Chronicle:
Another day, another bizarre world record for Jackie Bibby, "The Texas Snake Man."Jack Bibby is a man with a plan. His plan is to set some more world records.
Bibby spent about 45 minutes in a see-through bathtub with 87 rattlesnakes Monday, shattering his own record by 12 snakes just in time for Guinness World Records Day, which is Thursday. The record was certified by a Guinness official.
Bibby said the snakes crawled under his arms, between his legs and anywhere else they could slither. None of the snakes bit him.
"They can go wherever they want as long as they don't start biting," Bibby said. "The key to not biting is for me to stay still. Rapid movement scares a rattlesnake. If you move real slow and gentle, that doesn't seem to bother them."
Bibby sat in the dry tub with a pillow propped behind him to make him more comfortable. He wore regular clothing, and the snakes were not defanged and still contained their venom, he said. Workers placed the snakes in one at a time and removed them one at a time.
The clear bathtub was specially made several years ago for Bibby by the Guinness folks for a televised segment. He's used the tub for subsequent attempts at the record for sitting in a tub with snakes.
And he has just the bathtub to do it.
"I have set several world records in that bathtub," Bibby said.I would write more, but I just had the sudden urge to brush my teeth.
The record was Bibby's latest grab at glory. Last year he set a Guinness-certified record by holding 10 rattlesnakes by their tails in his mouth at once. He said he plans to break that record Tuesday by squeezing in an 11th.
by Mondoreb & Little Baby Ginn

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