A Veterans Day Tribute by RidesAPaleHorse
RAPH writes:
I actually did this video for Memorial day this year but I thought it was also appropriate for Veterans day. I would have re-edited it but somehow, all the files were lost so all I have is this.
I got this from a brother this morning along with the following note:
Fellow Veteran's:
as Bob Hope said. "I just want to show you what your fighting for!". This was Raquel Welch at the 1967 Bob Hope show in Vietnam. I just started walking towards the back of the stage with my camera and no one even questioned where I was going. I ended up backstage with all the brass and the stars.

And one more:
WW I era
During the WW I years, Arthur S. Mole and John D. Thomas made some incredible human pictures by using thousands of sailors or soldiers in uniform to create images.

Enjoy your Vets day brother
WE will never forget
[We know Veterans Day was yesterday, but any day is a good day to honor those who serve our country. We wouldn't worry about the lost files: this is just right. An honestly moving piece by Horse.--Ed.]

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