A troubled youth becomes embroiled in the lives of a close-knit group of people in the wealthy, upper-class neighborhood of Newport Beach, Orange County, California. [imdb]Mischa Barton, little 'Marissa' from the now defunct teen angst show, The
OC, was arrested by Los Angeles Sheriff's deputies for allegedly driving under the influence in West Hollywood, California.
"During Ms. Barton's detention, it was determined that she was an unlicensed driver and was driving while under the influence of an alcoholic beverage," the statement said.
From the AP:
Deputies saw her vehicle straddling the lanes and failing to signal for a turn, according to a sheriff's press statement.Twenty one-year-old Mischa played the quintessential screwed up Orange County high school 'girl next door.' Marissa's character turned out to be even more screwed up than Ryan, the "adopted" bad boy who lived with the "good guy" Cohens next door.
One report said that “cops say she “was seen straddling two lanes of traffic and failed to signal when making a turn.”
At least one report, notably MTV, stated that her arrest included charges for drug possession.
"During Ms. Barton's detention, it was determined that she was an unlicensed driver and was driving while under the influence of an alcoholic beverage," the statement said.
The 21-year-old actress was held at a West Hollywood jail on $10,000 bail. She was booked for investigation of misdemeanor driving under the influence and driving without a license.
After Mischa's character died in a car accident in 2006 the show's ratings plummeted and the saga of the OC faded into the Pacific sunset.
Originally from the UK, Mischa's been busy working in films. She's currently in the production of Malice in Sunderland, due to be released in 2008.
Micha's character in the OC suffered through a series of suicide attempts, experimenting with girl-love, an on-again, off-again relationship with hunky bad boy Ryan next door.
Hopefully Mischa decides to take control of her destiny and not let alleged substance abuse ruin a sparkling career.
Source -
* The OC
* OC's Mischa Barton Arrested for DUI, Drug Possession

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