The cruel forces of man-made climate change
continue to threaten Colorado
Somebody do something--Quick!
Won't somebody PLEASE pass a tax or something to stop this outrage!
continue to threaten Colorado
Somebody do something--Quick!
Won't somebody PLEASE pass a tax or something to stop this outrage!

Deep snow drifted into more than two dozen narrow ravines in the mountainsides --- known as avalanche chutes -- raising the danger of potentially deadly snow slides cascading onto I-70.

CDOT says it is beginning to reopen I-70 in both directions for stranded travelers, but it is being done in phases to avoid a potentially massive traffic jam. The interstate is not yet open to new traffic.

High winds and blowing snow forced the state to close the highway overnight. There was no word on when the busy thoroughfare through the mountains would reopen.
"I can't even venture a guess right now," Rod Mead, a spokesman for the Colorado Department of Transportation, said Monday.
More than 2,000 travelers were stranded at Red Cross shelters in the Colorado high country Monday as a threat of avalanches closed a stretch of Interstate 70 west of Denver.

Good thing we have GLOBAL WAR.....oops........sorry.........GLOBAL "CLIMATE CHANGE"!!! I can only imagine what it would be like without it.
by RidesAPaleHorse
[image: foxCO;foxCO;News9;CBS4;RAPH]
* Interstate 70 Still Closed
* Threat of Avalanches Strands Thousands
* CDOT Starting to Clear Snow to Rescue Stranded Travelers
* Thousands of Stranded Travelers in Shelters
We are not alone. Additional SCIENTIFIC proof (well, as much as the other side has, anyway) that global warming might now be the 'horrible environmental catastrophe' that Al Gore has made it out to be. Look, Blanca got a Mr. Wizard Junior Science Kit for Christmas, and I have been using it to draw my own conclusions about global warming. After running a very complex experiment, which included ice cubes, some litmus paper, and a banana, I have concluded there is no such thing as global warming. Global Warming Snowball Swarming We admit, it's not a Nobel or an Oscar. But, we'd argue, that is why it's more compelling evidence. |

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