A fifteen year old girl, alone in her room, sees mysterious text appear across her computer screen. The messages are ominous. "Submit nude photos or your family will be harmed."
Reads like a cheesy teen horror flick but it was all too real.
A 33-year-old North Carolina man sentenced Friday to 110 years in prison used "tools of terror" to hack into the computers of Brevard County girls and extort nude pictures from them, an assistant U.S. attorney said.Dickerson had hacked into the girls MySpace profiles.
Ivory Dickerson, a civil engineer, gained remote access to their computers, giving him the ability to type words onto their screens. He was arrested last December after girls at Rockledge High School told authorities their MySpace profiles had been hacked into and the person on the other end was demanding revealing and pornographic images.
He threatened to harm their family members, post nude pictures of them on the Web and, in one case, make a 17-year-old "the most well known girl at school" if they didn't do what he said, according to court records. [1]
One victim, who was 15 at the time of the incident, told U.S. District Court Judge Anne Conway during Friday's sentencing hearing that she felt as though the computer intruder was watching her every move.No word yet on the steps the cyber-site MySpace has taken to ensure member's profiles are hacker proof.
"I was afraid to walk outside because I didn't know if it was the neighbor," the girl said.
MySpace was involved in another high profile story, that of Megan Meiers, a fragile thirteen-year-old Missouri girl who took her life over a cyberbully incident.[2]
This predator's method of hacking into the girl's own computers and typing messages onto their screens is flat out creepy. Dickerson was sentenced to over 100 years in prison. His skills would have been better served in international espionage instead of stalking and terrorizing girls online.
Source - Orlando Sentinel
Source - 2- MySpace Cruel Prank Leads To Teen's Suicide
Image [gamesforfree.net]
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