Friday, December 14, 2007

Romancing the Huckabee: P-Harmony Anyone?

The news these days is full of Huckabee gushing. Words like, Huckabee "surges" to the head of the Iowa Poll. Gosh, darn, look at that Huckabee go. What a "nice" guy this Huckabee is.

Makes one wonder, all these head-over-heels in love with Huckabee pundits. Did you guys go back and read Huckabee's "P-Harmony" or political profile? Are you sure, in the long run, that Huck's gonna be the one?

Just in case you glossed over or even missed Huck's Political Compatibility Profile let's go back and take a look.

The Four Compatibility Dimensions of Mike Huckabee

Emotional Temperament

Instead of relying on the information supplied by Huck's campaign, after all those guys are paid to make Huck look good, or the newly "fallen" for Huck folks, we've gone back to those who've known Huck, back in the days when Huck ran for governor of Arkansas and also served as Governor.

We read about Huck from Max Brantley, a journalist and editor of an alternative weekly from Little Rock who's been in a P-Relationship with Huck since 1991.
Before we begin, though, a word of warning to any reporters who might want to repeat, on air or in print, any of the facts recounted below. Huckabee does not take kindly to journalists who practice journalism.

Even editorialists and columnists at the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, the state's dominant (and Republican-friendly) daily paper, use words like "petty" and "thin-skinned" to describe Huckabee. Then again, he's compared hard-hitting (and accurate) news reporters for the Democrat-Gazette to the press fabulists Jayson Blair and Janet Cooke. He called liberal columnist John Brummett of Stephens Media "constipated" when that early admirer commenced some gentle criticism. His administration paid $15,000 to settle a suit filed by Roby Brock, the host of a public TV news show whom Huckabee's people tried to force off the air for his critical commentary.
According to Brantley, Huck is unable to handle criticism. We know that all of you are still in the first blush of the political romance of Huck but old Brantley he's kind of like an ex that doesn't have an ax to grind, it's more a "word to the wise."

Ethical Behavior

Let's look at Huck's past ethical behavior. Those who've fallen under the Huck spell will poo-poo any "talk" about any potentially unethical behavior but honey, if they did it then, they might just do it again.

Hey Press-boys, why don't you come up and see me sometime?

In the governor's office, his grasp never exceeded his reach. Furniture he'd received to doll up his office was carted out with him when he left, after he'd crushed computer hard drives so nobody could ever get a peek behind the curtain of the Huckabee administration.

Until my paper, the Arkansas Times, blew the whistle, he converted a governor's mansion operating account into a personal expense account, claiming public money for a doghouse, dry-cleaning bills, panty hose and meals at Taco Bell. He tried to claim $70,000 in furnishings provided by a wealthy cotton grower for the private part of the residence as his own, until he learned ethics rules prevented it. When a disgruntled former employee disclosed memos revealing all this, the Huckabee camp shut her up by repeatedly suggesting she might be vulnerable to prosecution for theft because she'd shared documents generated by the state's highest official.

Communication Style

Huck's all sweet and "open" communication now but what about when he was Governor?
Since my paper wrote critically about him, I didn't often experience the "nice" Mike Huckabee that so many national commentators have enjoyed. In fact, ultimately Huckabee ended press services, which are publicly financed, to my newspaper. The Arkansas Times received no news releases from the governor's office, no notices of news conferences, no responses to routine questions. He was condemned for this by journalism organizations.
You really want a guy who, once the honeymoon's over, clam up on you and give you the cold shoulder?


"Don't Mormons believe that Jesus and the devil are brothers?"
Mike Huckabee - in reference to Mitt Romney, front runner and Mormon in 2008 Presidential Race [2]

Huck wrote his own book about "character." Called "Character Is The Issue" we'd like to take issue with this week's Huck's Sly Remark.

Huckabee is a ordained Southern Baptist minister with a Masters in Theology who pretended his remark about the Mormon religion being in cahoots with the Devil was all "innocent."

This made Huck's remark or should we say "attack" doubly offensive. The man, a preacher himself, knew what he was saying was an intentional "smear". An oh-so-sly smear that would have stuck in voter's minds. A very "un-Christian" remark by a Christian minister.

Someone's doing the talk but not walking the walk.

After the honeymoon's over these little things such as character, emotional temperament, ethical behavior and communication style will come into play. Huck might be fun to date but do you really want be stuck with the guy for 4 or maybe 8 years? You help him move into the White House then the guy slams the door shut, clams up and then gets all sly?

Take this relationship seriously, by all means vote with your heart but date the guy for a while. Look him over, not just the hype but his P-Harmony profile too. Check out those Compatibility Dimensions. Remember, if your's and Huck's don't match there are other candidates out there with their P-Harmony profiles just waiting to hear from you.

Source - 1 - Salon - The Dark Side Of Huckabee
Source - 2 - MSNBC - Huckabee Apologizes for Mormon Remark

Image [;hopecounselingcenter]


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