Friday, December 21, 2007

Tancredo's Ended Bid: Milbank Tells Us Much About Milbank, Less about Tancredo

Washington Post circulation figures,
Dana Milbank readership both trend downward

The Washington Post's Dana Milbank is an angry man.

We know this because he has proposed dropping bombs on a candidate who is no longer in the presidential race. We know this because he wrote "Hasta La Vista" for the adoring masses in the Washington Post editorial room. And we know this because he wants to expel anyone whose comments on the immigration debate differ from his own.

Now, the columnist from the Washington Post has a new reason to be angry: The only people who read his columns are those looking for examples of what constitutes the "Washington mentality" or mainstream press arrogance.

Milbank doesn't disappoint in his latest offering, "Hasta La Vista", a particularly vivid example of why most people outside of the beltway don't know who Dana Milbank is.

It's opening paragraphs are paraphrased above.

From the decline of the Washington Post's readership, the trend indicates that in the future, less people in the beltway will know who Dana Milbank is.

For the six months ended March 31, The Washington Post reported a weekday circulation decline of 2.7 percent, to 751,871, compared with the corresponding period a year earlier. Sunday circulation decreased 2.4 percent, to 1,000,565.

Post executives said the company is relying slightly less on so-called third-party sales, in which newspapers sell copies in bulk at a discounted rate to outside groups that distribute the paper, usually for free. But executives did not attribute the decline to any one factor and said the figures are an improvement.

"Our numbers are not down quite so much this year compared to last year," said publisher Boisfeuillet Jones Jr.

We'd write more about the Milbank piece, but if you've read him once, you can pretty much just consult your memory and substitute "Tancredo" for anyone he disagrees with on immigration.

Suffice it to say, Tancredo will move on with his life after his unsuccessful attempt at influencing the immigration debate.

Our jury's still out on Milbank.

by Mondoreb
Source: Hasta La Vista
Newspaper Circulation Continues to Decline


Death by 1000 Papercuts Front Page.

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