The following editorial appeared in the Stanford Daily yesterday.
***Correction: This editorial states that Chelsea Clinton’s appearance at Pi Beta Phi on Sunday was “sponsored by the sorority system.” In fact, the Jan. 13 event occurred at an Inter-Sorority Council (ISC) member house but was neither sponsored nor planned by the ISC.***
“We are just trying to make my mom’s campaign more accessible to people,” said Chelsea Clinton ‘01 on Sunday night to a standing-room-only crowd in the Pi Phi lounge. The Stanford alumna and daughter of presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, Ms. Clinton arrived at Stanford yesterday for a one-day swing through campus in order to talk to young women, a key target demographic of the Clinton campaign. But the limited invitation policy of the event at Pi Phi, which was only open to members of the Inter-Sorority-Council, left a bad taste in the mouths of the many Clinton fans and political junkies across campus, many of whom would have stayed home from Lake Tahoe ski trips for a chance to attend.In an effort to sway undecided voters for California’s upcoming Feb. 5 presidential primary, Chelsea hosted a small round-table discussion at Old Union and later a larger event open only to sorority members in the Pi Phi lounge. According to a member of the Stanford Students for Hillary, who was quoted in the Stanford Daily on Monday [Chelsea Campaigns at Farm], the former first daughter wanted to reach out to the sorority audience in order to tap into a “core demographic” of Hillary Clinton’s campaign.The article goes on to note.
But the exclusive setting of the question-and-answer session, however, may have turned off more people than it turned on. Clinton was not a member of a sorority while at Stanford, so her appearance was not a homecoming for a former sorority sister. The campaign and the University kept the event a secret and only members of the ISC even knew Clinton was scheduled to visit on campus.
The editors wind up with the following:
Certainly there are many sorority girls at Stanford who are interested in politics and benefited from hearing Chelsea speak — many sorority girls were denied entry into the event at Pi Phi. An open event, however, where perhaps a lottery system could have limited attendance but allowed access, could have drummed up more interest and positive energy for the Hillary campaign. Instead, on Sunday Chelsea sought “accessibility” for her mother’s campaign at a private event that, ten years ago, then-student Chelsea Clinton would not have been invited to attend.
What did other think?
The editorial prompted some on-line comments. A few of the 249 are reproduced below.
"many of whom would have stayed home from Lake Tahoe ski trips for a chance to attend"??????????????
To hear Chelsea Clinton?
That's a joke,right?
I'm an undecided voter, but this thing where only sorority sisters were invited doesn't really make sense to me. I guess if it were only females invited then I would understand. The thing that bugs me is that she wasn't even in a sorority!
Count on more "all-girl" events if we elect her mommy to the White House. Men, get out the meat slicer!
"Man, if this wuz at Bob Jones U, the media would be crucifying us!"
--Bob Jones U.
Yawn, is anybody really interested in what Ms. Got me a Cushy 6 figure job right of college because I am a former president's daughter??? We should all be so fortunate. She has led a life privilege, off the backs of the middle class, the evil rich and the poor. She is probably about as interesting to listen to as the Bush twins or Amy Carter. She has no idea what it's like to be the average Joe tax payer. So don't waste out time Chelsea. Nobody cares what you have to say. You aren't running for president.
--Stephanie in TX
At least the Bush twins are working in the real world - and not making 6 figure "consultation" fees in return for political favors. Chelsea hasn't proven herself to anyone.
Can any JOURNALIST please tell me how is it Chelsea Clinton can be Ms. Political Activist Campaigner and yet not one person has questioned her nor been "allowed" to question her by the Clinton thugs.
If she wants to play daughter in waiting for the Oval Office, then she is fair journalist fodder for stories. No one else in politics gets to play "Queen's daughter", so why is it no one in the media ever questions this political expert.
It does my heart good to read these posts and realize the public is not fooled by the Clinton Klan.
--Another Vicki
This is a fair sampling of the comments we read.
Like we always say, sometimes, the comments are AT LEAST as entertaining as the articles we read.
by Mondoreb
notes: RidesAPaleHorse
[image: RAPH]
Source: Chelsea Lacks class at exclusive event
UPDATE: Two germane comments need to be pointed out. Suzette clued us to this Chelsea pic from Sweetness and Light. ![]() And Therapy Doc reminded us that even presidential kids have feelings, too. |

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