1967 Astronauts Virgil I. "Gus" Grissom, Edward H. White and Roger B. Chaffee died in a flash fire during a test aboard their Apollo spacecraft at Cape Kennedy, Fla.
1943 Some 50 bombers struck Wilhelmshaven in the first all-American air raid against Germany during World War II.
1944 The Soviet Union announced the complete end of the deadly German siege of Leningrad, which had lasted for more than two years.
1945 Soviet troops liberated the Nazi concentration camps Auschwitz and Birkenau in Poland.
2003 The Bush administration dismissed Iraq's response to U.N. disarmament demands as inadequate. Meanwhile, chief U.N. inspector Hans Blix charged that Iraq had never genuinely accepted U.N. resolutions demanding its disarmament and warned that "cooperation on substance" was necessary for a peaceful solution.
1891 Mine explosion kills 109 at Mount Pleasant PA.
1902 5 workers killed on explosion during IRT subway construction (New York City NY).
1993 DC-3 crashes in Kinshasa, killing 12.
1998 Crane crashes into Roosevelt Is (New York City NY) Tram, injuring 10.
1992 Presidential candidate Bill Clinton (D) & Genifer Flowers accuse each other of lying over her assertion they had a 12-year affair.
1998 Shaken by scandal over his relationship with former White House intern Monica Lewinsky, President Bill Clinton sought to reassert his leadership in his State of the Union address, urging Congress to "save Social Security first" before cutting taxes or increasing spending. Earlier in the day, First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, on NBC's "Today" show, charged the allegations against her husband were the work of a "vast right-wing conspiracy."
1984 Michael Jackson is burned during filming for Pepsi commercial.
In 1880, Thomas Edison received a patent for his electric incandescent lamp.
1918 "Tarzan of the Apes", 1st Tarzan film, premieres at Broadway Theater.
1927 Harlem Globetrotters play their 1st game.
1967 New Orleans Saints sign their 1st player (Paige Cothren-kicker).
1948 1st locomotive to carry 1,000,000 pounds (450,000 kg) operates.
1948 1st tape recorder sold.
1992 Mike Tyson goes on trial for rape (he is found guilty).
1969 14 spies hung in Baghdad.
1969 9 Jews publicly executed in Damascus Syria.
1976 "Laverne & Shirley" spin-off from "Happy Days" premieres on ABC TV.
1951 An era of atomic testing in the Nevada desert began as an Air Force plane dropped a 1-kiloton bomb on Frenchman Flat.
1967 More than 60 nations signed a treaty banning the orbiting of nuclear weapons.
1973 The Vietnam peace accords were signed in Paris.
1981 President Ronald Reagan greeted the 52 former American hostages released by Iran at the White House.
1870 1st sorority (Kappa Alpha Theta) (DePauw University in Greencastle IN).
2007 House Speaker Nancy Pelosi led a congressional delegation to Pakistan, where she met with President General Pervez Musharraf.
Tens of thousands of anti-war demonstrators marched in Washington, D.C., calling for the U.S. to get out of Iraq.
1756 composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born in Salzburg, Austria.
1836 Leopold von Sacher-Masoch Austrian writer (masochism).
1850 Samuel Gompers Dutch/US, 1st president-American Federation of Labor.
1859 Kaiser Wilhelm II Potsdam, German emperor (1888-1918).
1872 Learned Hand Albany NY, Chief judge (US Court of Appeals).
1919 David Seville [Ross Bagdasarian], Fresno CA, (Alvin & Chipmunks).
1921 Donna Reed Denison IA, actress (From Here to Eternity, Wonderful Life).
Singer Bobby "Blue" Bland is 78. Actor James Cromwell is 68. Actor John Witherspoon is 66. Rock musician Nick Mason (Pink Floyd) is 63. Rhythm-and-blues singer Nedra Talley (The Ronettes) is 62. Ballet star Mikhail Baryshnikov is 60. John Roberts, chief justice of the United States, is 53. Country singer Cheryl White is 53. Country singer-musician Richard Young (The Kentucky Headhunters) is 53. Actress Mimi Rogers is 52. Rock musician Janick Gers (Iron Maiden) is 51. Rock singer Margo Timmins (Cowboy Junkies) is 47. Rock musician Gillian Gilbert is 47. Actress Bridget Fonda is 44. Actor Alan Cumming is 43. Country singer Tracy Lawrence is 40. Rock singer Mike Patton is 40. Rapper Tricky is 40. Rock musician Michael Kulas (James) is 39. Actor Josh Randall is 36. Country singer Kevin Denney is 32.
1851 John James Audubon conservationist (Audubon Society), dies at 65.
1901 Opera composer Giuseppe Verdi died in Milan, Italy, at age 87.
1993 Andre "the Giant" Roussimoff WWF wrestler, dies of heart attack at 49.
January 27, the 27th day of 2008. There are 339 days left in the year.
compiled by Mondoreb
* Today in History
* Today in History

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