A Michigan woman thought she'd found the perfect solution to her problem of finding someone to off her married lover's spouse when she placed an ad on the popular website, Craigslist.
According to the Houston Chronicle, 49-year-old Anne Marie Linscott placed her ad in November leaving it purposely "generic," looking for someone willing to do a "freelance" job. When interested persons contacted the woman they learned the job was a little more involved.
Linscott is accused of asking people who responded to her ad to "eradicate a female living in Oroville, California," and she provided additional information on the intended victim, including her physical description, age and employment address. On two separate occasions following the November ad posting, she offered payment of $5,000 upon completion of "the eradication task," according to court documents.Linscott met her lover at an "online college course" where they "forged an intimate relationship". The two also met at a hotel in Reno and close to where he lived in California in 2005. DBKP wondered how such a relationship could have happened? An online college course is not exactly the same as one of the social networks such as MySpace or Facebook.
Rather than waiting for her new "love" to leave his wife, Linscott went for the quick fix, finding someone to "off" her lover's wife, placing an ad on Craigslist to "get the job done."
How could a woman come to believe she could find a "hitman" on a website such as Craiglist?
We believe Ms. Linscott's actions could be traced to the "Dumb Factor."
As for Linscott's "dumb" factor, Linscott already had a strike against her, committing adultery with a married man. She upped her "Dumbness Factor" when she thought she would find a "bonafide" hitman on a popular site such as Craigslist.
Using Craiglist upped her chances for getting caught plus any potential assassin would be wary of answering an ad for fear it would be a police sting. We seriously doubt hired killers cull the Craigslist ads in search of new "projects."
Perhaps Ms. Linscott, after achieving such an "intimate" relationship online with a man she hadn't yet met, believed one could find other things online, such as hit men. No fuss, no muss. After she had found "someone" to do the job, would she have used a popular "pay" site such as Paypal when the job was completed?
Linscott was arrested Thursday by FBI Agents. Federal prosecutors are asking to have her case tried in northern California where agents had been working with Butte County authorities.
We wondered if Ms. Linscott plans to look online for the attorney she's going to need?
Image - Hitman

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