Friday, January 4, 2008

Iowa 2008: Keeping Iowa in Perspective

A Look at a Few of the Important Things in Life

[click on image to enlarge]

We saw this over at Cripes! Suzette.

I pulled out my "Madame President" Pantsuit and Put on My Hollywood Make-up for this?

Suzette is usually not so politically-minded: she's usually blogging on the foibles of air travel or other topics that people think about a lot more than politics.

While over at CS, we noticed she had a history of Hillary Clinton's hairdos. That was interesting enough, but it led us to another blog: Princess Sparkle Pony's Photo Blog, where the Princess promises to "keep track of Condoleeza Rice's hairdos, so you don't have to".

One of PP's posts was a history of Harriet Meier's Hairdos: 1983-Present.

Hairdos don't normally excite much curiosity on most days, but we were interested today for some reason.

Once you start looking at them, it was like a bad car wreck: you can't look away.

The Harriet Mier Look: 1983.

Princess Sparklepony's judgment: "Disaster Strikes in 1985".

These are a few in photo montage that make up Harriet's Hairdo History.

We were going to write this post on Global Warming or the Iowa Caucuses.

But we figured, aw, what the heck.

Hairdos and "Don't You Wish Your Girlfriend Was a Tart Like Me?" was at least as important.

Probably more so.

by Mondoreb
[images: Cripes! Suzette; sparklepony]


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