It was only a matter of time.
Police are questioning teenagers accused of exchanging nude pictures of themselves over cellphones.
Farmington[Utah] Police Lt. Shane Whitaker says six or so Farmington Junior High School students took pictures of themselves and then shared the naked images.
Fox Video report on Nude Pic trading
A parent of one of the kids found the pictures on their child's cell phone and called police. Detectives say the 13- and 14-year-old boys and girls questioned said they took the pictures as a joke, but it's potentially a crime.
Police say they plan to turn the investigation over to the Davis County attorney by the end of the week to decide if charges will be filed.
A few questions immediately came to mind upon reading this.
This happened in Utah?
These were junior high kids?
And, as DBKP regular, pat, pointed out: Isn't this confusing adolescence with crime?
Of course, when a child can be expelled from school for drawing a picture of a gun or for quietly eating lunch while using a knife sent from home to cut a piece of meat, anything is grist for the crime mill.
What's next in the increasing criminalization of anything and everything in America?
by Mondoreb
Hat tip: pat
[image: tmcnet]
* High school students traded naked pictures of themselves over cell phones
* Teens in Hot water over trading nude pictures

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