Whole Foods, whose website brags about their green policies, has a new scam: Chocolate Change Chocolate Bars.
From the website:
Our Climate Change Chocolate bar is meant to educate while tasting great. It comes in a wrapper with 15 tips for lightening your environmental impact. These helpful hints teach you how to save energy by making small changes to your daily habits. And of course, thanks to Bloomsberry & Co., you can be sure the finest chocolate is attached to these green lifestyle lessons.
Ah, but that’s not all:
Climate Change Chocolate comes with a verified TerraPass offset of 133 pounds of carbon dioxide reductions, the average American’s daily carbon impact. We hope this small offset will be the first taste of a lower-carbon lifestyle for Whole Foods shoppers who decide to take responsibility for their climate change impact.
So what do you buy with your carbon offsets credits?
Windmills…that kill birds that belong to endangered species.Oh well, can’t win them all.
Of course, I shouldn’t be too hard on them, since Whole Foods doesn’t use slave chocolate. (The poor treatment of people working on cocoa plantations in certain African countries is notorious LINK… Whole Foods gets theirs from the Dominican Republic).
All this nonsense about a Massachusetts company insisting it should be canonized for it’s green policies is pretty nonsensical to those of us living in the third world, where food is covered with flies, not plastic, and where most of our food is grown or fished nearby.
And anyway, if one is really “green”, shouldn’t one only eat local foods in season, not imported processed fatty cholesterol raising food like Chocolate? And there just aren’t a lot of Cacao trees in New England.
So if you want to be green in New England, be green:
YUM! Rutabaga Chips !
by Boinky
(cross posted Bloggernewsnet)

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