More reason for gloom for ignorant climate change deniers.
Evidence in the man-made climate change debate continues to dampen climate change skeptics' spirits.
This time, from Baghdad, come proof that using anecdotal evidence is a two-edged sword.
After weathering nearly five years of war, Baghdad residents thought they'd pretty much seen it all. But Friday morning, as muezzins were calling the faithful to prayer, the people here awoke to something certifiably new. For the first time in memory, snow fell across Baghdad.
Although the white flakes quickly dissolved into gray puddles, they brought an emotion rarely expressed in this desert capital snarled by army checkpoints, divided by concrete walls and ravaged by sectarian killings—delight.
At least one resident of Baghdad couldn't believe actually seeing the results of man-made climate change for the first time in his life.
"For the first time in my life I saw a snow-rain like this falling in Baghdad," said Mohammed Abdul-Hussein, a 63-year-old retiree from the New Baghdad area.
"When I was young, I heard from my father that such rain had fallen in the early '40s on the outskirts of northern Baghdad," Abdul-Hussein said, referring to snow as a type of rain. "But snow falling in Baghdad in such a magnificent scene was beyond my imagination."
DBKP has entered the debate over man-made climate change rather late in the game.
However, we were quick to notice how much anecdotal evidence was offered those arguing for man-made climate change.
This latest report from Baghdad demonstrates our motto:
"Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery".
by Mondoreb
notes: RidesAPaleHorse
[images: RAPH;
Source: A First! Snow in Baghdad

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