1922 Vancouver BC starts driving on the right side of road
1944 General Clark replaces General Patton as commander of 7th Army.
1950 Ho Chi Minh begins offensive against French troops in Indo-China.
1951 Massive Chinese/North Korean assault on UN-lines.
1959 Castro leads Cuba to victory as Fulgencio Batista flees to Dominican Republic.
1926 Rhine flood strikes Cologne.
1978 Air India B747 explodes near Bombay killing 213.
1987 60 bodies recovered in Dupont Plaza Hotel fire in Puerto Rico.
1911 Belgian Mining law introduces 9�-hour work day.
1966 12 day transit worker strike shuts down New York City NY subway.
1966 All US cigarette packs have to carry "Caution Cigarette smoking may be hazardous to your health".
1971 Cigarette advertisements banned on TV.
1993 Cigarette advertisements are banned in New York City NY's MTA.
1998 All California bars, clubs & card rooms must be smoke-free
2008 Colorado bans smoking in casinos. Anti-smoking advocates argue that any tents or enclosures to make it more comfortable to smoke outdoors are illegal also.
1965 Palestinian al-Fatah organization forms.
1980 Mob storms Russian embassy in Teheran.
1916 1st issue of "Journal of Negro History" published.
1990 David Dinkins sworn in as 1st black mayor of New York City NY.
1935 Associated Press inaugurates Wirephoto.
1936 1st newspaper to microfilm its current issues, New York Herald Tribune.
1974 NBC radio begins on the hour news 24 hours a day (following CBS lead).
1976 NBC replaces the peacock logo.
1975 Haldeman, Ehrlichman, Mitchell & Mardian convicted of Watergate crime.
1934 Alcatraz officially becomes a federal prison.
1960 US census at 179,245,000.
1998 US Census Bureau estimates population at 268,921,733.
1985 US's 1st manadatory seat belt law goes into effect (NY).
1916 1st football game in Rose Bowl (Washington State-Brown).
1929 Roy Riegels runs 60 yards the wrong way with Rose Bowl fumble recovery.
1935 1st Sugar Bowl & 1st Orange Bowl.
1942 Rose Bowl played in North Carolina due to Japanese threat-Oregon 20, Duke 16.
1944 Army defeats Navy 10-7 in football "Arab Bowl", Oran, North Africa.
1954 Rose & Cotton Bowl are 1st sport colorcasts.
1969 Jack Kent Cooke, owner of NHL's Los Angeles Kings, fines each player $100 for "NOT" arguing with the referee.
1982 Pope John Paul II prays for an end to martial law in Poland.
1862 1st US income tax (3% of incomes > $600, 5% of incomes > $10,000).
1941 Netherlands begins taxing wages.
1956 Elvis Presley records Heartbreak Hotel for RCA in Nashville.
1960 Johnny Cash plays 1st of many free concerts behind bars.
1962 Beatles' Decca audition is unsuccessful.
1966 Simon & Garfunkel's "Sounds of Silence" reaches #1.
1985 VH-1 made its broadcasting debut.
1995 Last "Far Side" by cartoonist Gary Larson (started 1980)
1946 ENIAC, US 1st computer finished by Mauchly/Eckert.
1961 Largest check issued, National Bank of Chicago to Sears ($960.242 billion).
1914 1st scheduled airline flight, St Petersburg-Tampa (Tony Jannus pilot).
1928 1st US air-conditioned office building opens, San Antonio.
1944 1st feature-length foreign movie, African Journey, shown on TV, New York City NY.
1996 After 27 years, Betty Rubble debuts as a Flintstone vitamin.
1957 International Geophysical Year begins; ends 6/30/1958 (18-month year).
1968 Evel Knievel fails in his attempt to jump Caesar's Palace Fountain
1449 Lorenzo de' Medici [The Magnificent] of Florence
1729 Edmund Burke British author/famous Whig (Philosophy & Inquiry, Reflections on the Revolution)
1735 Paul Revere silversmith/US patriot (British are coming)
1745 "Mad" Anthony Wayne General
1854 Sir James Frazer Britain, anthropologist/author (The Golden Bough)
1863 Pierre de Coubertin France, baron (revived Olympic games)
1867 Charles Edward Montague English author/critic (Fiery Particles)
1879 E[dward] M Forster London England, novelist (Howard's End, Passage to India)
1895 J Edgar Hoover Washington DC, Director of US Fedreal Bureau of Investigation
1900 Xavier Cugat [Francisco de As�s Javier Cugat Mingall de Brue y Deulofeo] Tirona Catalonia Spain, bandleader (married Abbe Lane, Charo)
1909 Barry Goldwater (Senator-R-AZ, 1953-65, 69- )/Presidential candidate (R) 1964)
1911 Hammerin' Hank Greenberg Hall-of-Fame 1st baseman (Detroit Tiger)
1912 Kim Philby British spy/Soviet mole
1912 Victor Reuther Wheeling WV, labor leader
1919 J[erome] D[avid] Salinger New York City, NY, novelist (Catcher in the Rye)
1938 Beatrix Wilhelmina Armgard Queen of Netherlands (1980- )
1943 Don Novello [Father Guido Sarducci], Ashtabula OH, comedian (SNL)
1958 Grandmaster Flash [Joseph Saddler], New York City, NY, rocker (Message)
1967 Derrick Thomas NFL linebacker (Kansas City Chiefs)
1986 Alexa Ray Joel daughter of Billy Joel & Christie Brinkley
1557 Jacques Cartier French explorer (Canada), dies at 65
1782 Johann Christian Bach German composer/Mozart's tutor, dies at 46
1787 Arthur Middleton US farmer (signed Declaration of Independence), dies at 44
1953 Hank Williams country singer (Cold Cold Heart), dies at 29
1972 Maurice A Chevalier French actor (Can Can, Gigi), dies at 83
January 1, 2008, the first day of the year. New Years Day, there are 365 days left in the Year.
compiled by Mondoreb
[image: hatrickpatrick]
Source: Today in History

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