1984 Clara Peller 1st asks, "Where's the Beef?"
1861 US forts & property seized by Mississippi.
1861 Florida becomes 3rd state to secede from US.
1861 Fort Jackson & Fort Philip are taken over by Los Angeles state troops.
1862 Battle of Big Sandy River KY (Middle Creek).
1862 Battle of Romney WV.
1863 General McClernand's Union troops surround Fort Hindman AR.
1900 Lord Roberts & Lord Kitchener reach Capetown.
1916 Russian offensive in Kaukasus.
1942 Japan invades North-Celebes, Dutch East Indies.
1943 1st US President to visit a foreign country in wartime-FDR leaves for Casablanca, Morocco.
1943 Russian offensive against German 6th/4th Armies near Stalingrad.
1944 British troops conquer Maungdaw, Burma.
1966 India & Pakistan sign peace accord.
1969 Pirate Radio Station Free Derby begins operation by Northern Ireland.
1883 Fire at uninsured Newhall Hotel in Milwaukee WI kills 71; General Tom Thumb of P T Barnum fame, escapes unhurt.
1947 Greek steamer "Himara" strikes a wartime mine in Saronic Gulf south of Athens with loss of 392 of 637 aboard.
1962 4,000 die in avalanche, Ranrahirca, Perú.
1962 Eruptions on Mount Huascaran in Peru destroy 7 villages & kill 3,500.
1973 Gas tank on Staten Island explodes, 40 die.
1984 Bulgarian Tupolev 134 crashes at Sofia airport in Bulgaria, 50 die.
1920 League of Nations' 1st meeting, Treaty of Versailles in effect.
1951 UN headquarters opens in Manhattan NY.
1964 Panamá severs diplomatic relations with US.
1969 Sweden (1st Western country) recognizes North Vietnam.
1984 US establishes full diplomatic relations with Vatican after 117 years.
49-BC- Julius Cesar crosses the Rubicon, invades Italy.
1811 Louisiana slaves rebel in 2 parishes.
1863 January-uprising begins in Poland.
1981 El Salvador guerrilla group FMLN opens "general offensive".
1776 "Common Sense" by Thomas Paine, published.
1967 Lester Maddox inaugurated as Governor of Georgia.
1923 Lithuania seizes & annexes country of Memel.
1964 Battles between moslems & hindus in Calcutta.
1993 - About 400 residents of Oakville, Man., were allowed to return home for the first time in three weeks. They had been forced from their homes after a train derailment spilled a load of toxic chemicals.
1997 Alvinio Misciano Italian tenor, killed in a fall from a window.
0236 St Fabian begins his reign as Catholic Pope.
0681 St Agatho ends his reign as Catholic Pope.
1890 Pope Leo XIII publishes encyclical Sapientiae Christianae.
1429 Order of the Golden Fleece established in Austria-Hungary & Spain.
1430 Order of the Guilder forms.
1997 Dow Corning provides $2.95 billion to settle breast implant suits.
1810 French church annuls marriage of Napoleon I & Joséphine.
1839 Tea from India 1st arrives in UK.
1840 Penny Post mail system started.
1863 The London Underground, the oldest subway system in the world, opened 145 years ago today, in 1863. The first trains using steam locomotives that burned coke and later coal began running from Paddington to Farringdon in the City of London.
1911 1st photo in US taken from an airplane, San Diego.
1912 World's 1st flying boat's maiden flight, (Glenn Curtiss in NY).
1944 1st mobile electric power plant delivered, Philadelphia.
1945 Los Angeles Railway (with 5 streetcar lines) forced to close.
1946 UN General Assembly convenes for 1st time (London).
1951 1st jet passenger trip made.
1845 Poets Elizabeth Barrett & Robert Browning begin corresponding.
1957 Baseball Commissioner Ford Frick rules Bing Crosby can keep token stock in the Detroit Tigers, even though he owns part of Pittsburgh Pirates.
1996 Jimmy Johnson announced as new coach of Miami Dolphins.
1948 - Future country superstar Loretta Lynn married Oliver (Mooney) Lynn. She was not quite 14 years old.
1870 John D Rockefeller incorporates Standard Oil.
1901 Oil discovered at Spindletop claim near Beaumont, Texas.
1920 Silver reaches record $1.37 an ounce.
1878 US Senate proposes female suffrage.
1925 Miriam (Ma) Ferguson sworn in as Texas Governor, nation's 2nd woman governor.
1928 Soviet Union orders exile of Leon Trotsky.
1932 "Mickey Mouse" & "Silly Symphony" comics syndicated.
1932 "Pete the Tramp" cartoon strip by C D Russell debuts.
1935 Actress Mary Pickford marries actor Douglas Fairbanks.
1941 Seyss-Inquart begins registration of Jews.
1947 British stop ships Independence & In-Gathering from landing in Israel.
1949 1st Jewish family show "The Goldbergs" premieres on CBS.
1979 1st brother Billy Carter makes allegedly anti-Semitic remarks.
1996 Israel frees hundreds of Palestinian prisoners.
1946 US Army establishes 1st radar contact with Moon, Belmar NJ.
1969 USSR's Venera 6 launched for parachute landing on Venus.
1978 Soyuz 27 carries 2 cosmonauts to Salyut 6 space station.
1949 RCA introduces 45 RPM record.
1956 Elvis records "Heartbreak Hotel".
1958 Jerry Lee Lewis' "Great Balls of Fire" reaches #1 on the country and r&b charts, #2 on the pop chart.
1957 Anthony Eden resigns & Harold Macmillan becomes PM Britain.
1964 US version of "That Was The Week That Was" premieres.
1967 PBS (the National Educational TV) begins as a 70 station network.
1980 Last broadcast of "Rockford Files" on NBC.
1995 "Late Late Show" with Tom Snyder premieres on CBS at 12 30 AM.
1997 4,000th episode of "Entertainment Tonight".
1967 Edward Brooke, takes (Senator-R-MA) seat as 1st popular elected black.
1991 Japan ends routine fingerprinting of all adult ethnic Koreans.
1998 18th United Negro College Fund raises (re-broadcasted Jan 17th).
1990 NCAA approves random drug testing for college football players.
1990 China lifts martial law (imposed after Tiananmen Square massacre).
1991 US Congress begins debate on Persian Gulf crisis.
1994 Trial of Lorena Bobbitt who cut off her husband's penis, begins.
1994 Uzbekistan & Kazakhstan agrees to abolish trade tariffs.
1738 Ethan Allen Revolutionary War fighter (led the Green Mountain Boys)
1769 Michel Ney French marshal (Waterloo)
1834 John Acton English historian/MP
1864 George Washington Carver agricultural scientist (estimate date - actual birthdate unknown)
1883 Francis X Bushman Norfolk VA, silent film actor (Ben Hur, Spy's Defeat)
1904 Ray Bolger Dorchester MA, actor/dancer (Wizard of Oz)
1908 Bernard Lee London England, actor (M in James Bond movies)
1926 June Haver Mrs Fred MacMurray/actress (Dolly Sisters)
1927 Lee Philips Brooklyn NY, actor (Ellery Queen)
1928 Wallace Berry composer
1930 Byron "Wild Child" Gipson blues singer
1930 Roy E Disney CEO (Disney)
1938 Francis W "Frank" Mahovlich NHL Hall of Famer (Montréal Canadiens)
1938 Willie "Stretch" McCovey 1st baseman (San Francisco Giant #44)
1939 Bill Toomey Philadelphia PA, decathlon champ (Olympics-gold-1968)
1939 Sal Mineo New York City NY, actor (Exodus, Rebel Without a Cause)
1940 Harry Gant NASCAR driver
1943 Jim Croce Philadelphia PA, singer/songwriter (Time in a Bottle, Bad Bad Leroy Brown)
1945 Frank Sinatra Jr Jersey City NJ, singer/bandleader (Golddiggers)
1945 Rod Stewart London England, singer (Maggie Mae, Da Ya Think I'm Sexy)
1946 Bob Lang rock bassist (Wayne Fontana & The Mindbenders)
1948 Cyril Neville US singer/percussionist (Neville Bros-Yellow Moon)
1948 Donald Fagen Passaic NJ, rock vocalist/keyboardist (Steely Dan-Peg)
1948 William Sanderson Memphis TN, actor (Larry-Newhart, Deuce-Babylon 5, Blade Runner)
1949 Teresa Graves Houston TX, actress (Laugh-in, Get Christie Love)
1949 Walter S Browne US chess champion (1974-78, 1980-84)
1949 George Foreman Marshall TX, world heavyweight boxing champ (1973-74, 95)
1951 Kathleen Bradley Youngstown Oh, model (Price is Right)
1953 Bobby Rahal Indy-car racer (over 15 wins)
1953 Pat Benatar [Andrezejewski], Brooklyn NY, singer (Hit Me With Your Best Shot, Hell Is for Children)
1958 Shawn Colvin singer/guitarist
1959 Chandra Cheesborough Jacksonville FL, 4X100 runner (Olympics-gold-84)
1959 Don Letts rocker (Big Audio Dynamite)
1959 Kirk & Curtwood musician (Meat Puppets)
1968 Lyle Menendez NY, accused of killing his parents (Menendez Brothers)
1969 Doug E Doug rapper/comedian (Operation Dumbo Drop, Jungle Fever)
1979 Chris H E Smith [Daddy Mack], Atlanta, rapper (Kris Kross-Warm it Up)
1824 Victor Emanuel I king of Sardinia (1802-21), dies at 64
1862 Samuel Colt inventor (6 shot revolver), dies at 47
1917 Buffalo Bill Cody army scout & Indian fighter, dies
1951 Harry Sinclair Lewis US writer (Nobel 1930), dies at 65
1957 Gabriela Mistral Chilean poet (Nobel Prize 1945), dies at 67
1961 Dashiell Hammett author (Maltese Falcon, Thin Man), dies from throat cancer at 66
1971 Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel French fashion designer, dies at 87
1976 Howlin' Wolf singer/guitarist, dies following brain surgery at 65
1978 John D Rockefeller III US billionaire/philanthropist, dies at 71
1980 George Meany labor leader, dies at 85
1981 Richard Boone actor (Paladin-Have Gun Will Travel), dies at 63
1982 Paul Lynde comedian/actor (Uncle Arthur-Bewitched, Bye Bye Birdie, Bewitched), dies at 55
1994 Charles "Chub" Feeney baseball president (National League), dies at 72
1996 Arthur Sydney Martin spycatcher, dies at 81
January 10, the 10th day of 2008. There are 356 days left in the year.
compiled by Mondoreb
[image: relentlessevilsnowflake]
Source: Today in History

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