1974 - Patty Hearst is kidnapped by the Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA)
1783 - Sweden recognizes U.S. independence.
1900 - The United States and Great Britain sign the Hay-Pauncefote Treaty, giving the United States the right to build a canal in Nicaragua but not to fortify it.
1904 - American occupation of Cuba ends
1917 - Congress passed the Immigration Act, which restricted Asian immigration, over President Wilson's veto.
1937 - FDR proposed increasing the number of Supreme Court justices—"packing" the court.
1969 - US population reaches 200 million
1972 - US airlines begin mandatory inspection of passengers & baggage
1981 - President Reagan, in a nationwide address, said the United States was in "the worst economic mess since the Great Depression" and called for sweeping spending and tax cuts.
1992 - The House of Representatives authorized an investigation into whether the 1980 Reagan-Bush campaign conspired with Iran to delay release of the American hostages. (The task force investigating the "October Surprise" allegations later said it found no credible evidence of such a conspiracy.)
1811 - After George III was declared insane, the Prince of Wales became Prince Regent of England, and later George IV.
1788 - London’s finest, known as Bobbies, were named after Robert Peel, who was born on this day in Lancashire, England.
1969 - For one of the few times in television history, a scheduled series (usually 13 or 26 weeks of shows) turned into a one-night wonder. ABC-TV premiered Turn On, hosted by Tim Conway, a show similar to NBC’s Rowan & Martin’s Laugh-In. TV critics called the show, “offbeat and distasteful.” It never aired again.

1967 - "Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour" premieres on CBS (later ABC, NBC)
1996 - A judge ordered President Clinton to testify in the Whitewater trial.
1994 - Byron De La Beckwith was sentenced to life in prison for the murder of Medgar Evers, 30 years after the crime in Jackson, Mississippi.
2001 - Four disciples of Osama bin Laden went on trial in New York in the 1998 bombings of two U.S. embassies in Africa. (The four were convicted and sentenced to life in prison without parole.)
1901 - Pierpont Morgan forms US Steel
1846 - The Oregon Spectator became the first newspaper published in American territory west of the Rocky Mountains.
1922 - The Reader's Digest begins publication in New York.
1971 - The US Apollo 14 (Shepard and Mitchell onboard) lands on the Moon
1988 - Mikhail Gorbachev and President Reagan nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize
1918 - The Soviets proclaim separation of church and state.
1864 - Federal forces occupy Jackson, Miss.
1865 - The three-day Battle of Hatcher's Run, Va., begins.
1973 - Funeral for LC William Nolde, last US soldier killed in Vietnam War
1981 - A military jury in North Carolina convicted Marine Pfc. Robert Garwood of collaborating with the enemy while a prisoner of war in Vietnam.
1850 - Gail Borden of Brooklyn, NY, was issued a U.S. patent his process that baked a combination of extracts from meat with flour to produce a meat biscuit capable of long term storage No. 7,066). This gave a convenient method that a preserved meat-based product could be carried by the military, seamen and other travelers. Because it could be reconstituted with hot water as a soup, the patent title was "Preparation of Portable Soup-Bread."
1861 - Samuel Goodale of Cincinnati, OH patented the moving picture peep show machine.
1861 - A U.S. patent was issued for the kinematoscope - a photographic attempt to show motion - to Coleman Sellers of Philadelphia as an "improvement in exhibiting stereoscopic pictures of moving objects.
1870 - An animated photographic picture projection before a theater audience was presented by Henry R. Heyl using his Phasmatrope. This was a converted projecting lantern in front of which rotated a disc with 16 openings near the edge, each carrying a photographic plate. The series of plates showed dancers, who appeared to move as the rotating disc showed successive positions. The pictures were a continuous loop that did not change.
1884 - Black American inventor Willis Johnson of Cincinnati, Ohio, was issued a U.S. patent for an "Egg Beater" (No. 292,821). It was designed so that eggs, batter and similar ingredients used by bakers or confectioners could be mixed intimately efficiently.
1899 - Thomas A. Edison was issued a U.S. patent for a "Phonograph Recorder and Reproducer" (No. 397,280).
1901 - A loop-the-loop centrifugal railway was patented by Edwin Prescott of Arlington, Mass. (No. 667,455) which he had installed at Coney Island in 1900 where it was known as Boynton's Centrifugal Railway. It had a 75-ft incline and a 20-ft-wide loop.
1922 - William Larned's steel-framed tennis racquet gets its first test.
1929 - The first U.S. patent for starting blocks, titled "Foot Support," was issued to George T. Bresnahan of Iowa City, Iowa (No.1,701,026). He described his invention as "what might be termed a starting block" to be used on a running track or field.
1991 - Howard Stern kisses NY Giant Leonard Marshall's ass over bet, Stern lost claiming the Giants would lose the Superbowl
1723 - John Witherspoon, clergyman signed Declaration of Independence
1837 - Dwight Lyman Moody, US evangelist (Moody Institute in Chicago)
1840 - Hiram Stevens Maxim, inventor (automatic single-barrel rifle)
1840 - Scotsman John Dunlop, inventor of the pneumatic tire
1848 - Outlaw Belle Starr
1900 - Adlai E Stevenson, (Gov-D-Ill), intellectual, politician, and presidental candidate (D) (1952, 1956)
1906 - Actor John Carradine
1934 - Henry Aaron (Baseball Hall of Famer: Milwaukee & Atlanta Braves: home run champ: eclipsed Babe Ruth's record of 714; baseball executive: Atlanta Braves)
1942 - Roger Staubach (football: Dallas Cowboys QB: Super Bowl V, VI, X, XII, XIII; Heisman Trophy Winner: Navy [1963])
1943 - Craig Morton (football: Dallas Cowboys QB: Super Bowl V, VI; Denver Broncos: Super Bowl XII)
1947 - Darrell Waltrip (auto racer: Daytona 500 winner [1989])
1973 - L C William Nolde, last US soldier killed in Vietnam, funeral
U.S. Ambassador Pamela Harriman died in Paris at age 76.
Image - Patty Hearst
Image - King George III
Image - Smothers Brothers
Image - Peep Show
Source - Today in Science
Source - Infoplease
Source - tnl
Source - Today in History

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