Jack Bauer's number could have been changed to a "10".
As in 'years in prison'.
A college student repeatedly rammed his car into another man's vehicle, yelling that the man was a terrorist and that he was Jack Bauer, the crack terror-fighting fed on the Fox TV show "24".
"My name is Jack Bowers (Bauer) and I work for the FBI and the Secret Service. My wife and family was kidnapped by the president and terrorist," Edgar Sullivan shouted, according to court documents.
Sullivan was given probation today when the "terrorist" whose car he rammed failed to show for any of the court dates. He faced up to 10 years in prison for second-degree assault for his Jack Bauer impression.
The Howard County State Attorney's Office speculated that Marlon Cantoral "may have been living illegally in the country," and that may have been the reason that he provided a fake address to police at the time of the ramming.
Or, he may have been a terrorist.

Sullivan made a good bid to be Kiefer Sutherland's replacement, should the "24" star need replacing.
He was driving a Ford Escape on I-95 a year ago when he struck Cantoral's van. The van left the highway and was rammed a second time as he tried to drive over the grass median strip.
Cantoral then fled on foot into the lobby of a correctional facility. Bauer...er..Sullivan followed him into the correctional facility and shouted "he's a terrorist and he kidnapped my family".
Officers contacted Sullivan's father who said his son was not married and the family was fine, authorities said. In court Thursday, Sullivan apologized for the incident, telling Howard County Circuit Judge Richard Bernhardt that he has been attending alcohol treatment and plans to graduate in May.
Sullivan, a student at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County who pleaded guilty in September to drunken driving, smiled but did not speak as he left the courthouse with his parents.
So maybe Cantoral really was a terrorist.
But Sullivan wasn't really Jack Bauer.
Another career in law enforcement is snuffed out by the hard edge of reality.
by Mondoreb
hat tip: Mean Gene-LGF
* creativeliberty
* Man Gets Probation after Claiming to be jack Bauer

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