Reports of a Macaque monkey torture-murder and subsequent cover-up have led the Humane Society of the United States to call for the prosecution of the Simian slayers.
According to the Seattle Times and an investigation by KIRO News, a little female Macaque lab monkey was "boiled" alive after a cleaning crew at the Everett, Washington Japanese owned SNBL USA company put the little primate through a "steaming rack washer" with water temps at 180 or higher degrees.

SNBL USA is a preclinical contract research organization (CRO) that specializes in nonhuman primate (NHP) and small animal research. Through a commitment to investment and excellence, SNBL USA strives to offer the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries unparalleled quality in both science and service.
SNBL USA is distinguished as a Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) facility.Source - SNBL
The Humane Society has asked Snohomish County Prosecutor Janice Ellis to "actively pursue an animal cruelty case" against the perpetrators of the crime. SNBL responded to the KIRO investigation calling the little monkey's death an "unfortunate accident" and the first "accidental" death of a monkey since SNBL's inception 8 years ago.
Scene of the Crime: Rack Washer

No word yet from SNBL on how many macaques die from "non-accidents" in the course of their research.1.0 General Description
The Model RW6290 Cage and Rack Washer is a high capacity spray cabinet washer capable of processing any items which can be placed inside the washing compartment. It is specifically designed to clean and sanitize animal cages, racks, pans, and other items ancillary to the care of laboratory animals. Several sizes are available, as well as many optional features. The Model RW6290 incorporates a large number of “state-of-the-art” features to ensure thorough, efficient cleaning, as well as many features unique to our design.
.2 Timing of a Guaranteed Temperature Phase shall not begin until the solution temperature has reached the set point (typically 180oF 82.22oC or higher), thus ensuring that the load has been subject to the proper temperature for the entire time set. Source - Schlyermachine
Members of the murder victim's family could not be reached for comment.
Image - Travelblog
Image - Geneva Scientific

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