This is strange and it really IS amazing!!
I got this from a friend of mine in California that used to live in the same little town in Northern Michigan (Marenisco) as I did. I'm not sure where he got it from but he sent it to me a while back and then I got it again today from one of my cousins in Chicago .
When I left Marenisco about 35 years ago, the DNR was just then introducing moose into the area. Never thought they'd take up there but apparently they did!
When I saw these pics, I was amazed as I know exactly where they were taken. We used to hunt that area all the time. Used to be some prime deer and bear hunting there. The "highway" (we called it a road) that's mentioned is M-64 that runs between Presque Isle Wisconsin and Marenisco Michigan.
The following text isn't mine and I have no idea who shot the pics or wrote the text.

Not one, but two ! Truly amazing ! These animals were photographed just north of the Wisconsin border on a highway near Marenisco , MI .
Once in awhile there is an opportunity to take in a piece of nature that you may never see. I n these days of unrest and turmoil it is great to see that Mother Nature can still produce some wondrous beauty.

The odds of seeing an albino moose are astronomical and to see this in the upper peninsula of Michigan, near Wisconsin , is even greater than astronomical. To see two of them together is nearly impossible.

We wanted to share these photos with as many people as possible because you will probably never have a chance to see this rare sight again. This is a really special treat, so enjoy the shot of a life time.
by RidesAPaleHorse
image: RAPH
source: email

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