Blogger4Borders has sent out their weekly video update on immigration issues.
B4B always presents an informative video, with 40% less hysteria, to help inform readers on what is going on, immigration-wise.
This week's video report covers Part 2 of 'Reconquista'.
From Bloggers4Borders:
Reconquista Pt 2: A look at how ethnocentric American non profits are part of Mexico’s lobbying machine.
And a video reminder of reconquista statements uttered over the years for the nonbelievers.
And 100% Preventable! Americans continue to suffer and die due to open borders. When will the madness end?
It's 8:42 minutes of information you can use.
Information really is power.
by Mondoreb
image: mnforsustain
Source: Blogger4Borders
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