Max Mosley, head of the prestigious racing group Formula One, has come under fire after a video surfaced with Mosley shown cracking a leather whip while barking orders and beating prostitutes dressed as WWII Nazi concentration camp prisoners. Mosley is seen at times inspecting their heads for lice. The kinky-sick Nazi sex tape purportedly cost Mosley $5400 for a five hour session at his Chelsea apartment in London.
Mosley, a married man, has said he won't resign while some claim what Mosley does in private should stay private and not dictate his professional life.
While some may consider Mosley's Nazi fetish to be somewhat on the kinky weirdo side there's another side to Mosley, of a man whose parents were famous for their ties to a virulent antisemitic fascist organization, the British Union of Fascists, and an intimate relationship with Hitler and the leaders of the Nazi party.

Sir Oswald Mosley and his gang of thugs, the British Union of Fascists
Read Formula One Racing Head: Kinky Nazi Sex Romp with Prostitutes at
Death by 1000 Papercuts Front Page.
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