The stereotypical litterbug is perceived as disgusting, disrespectful, lazy, ignorant and dirty. In reality, people of all ages and backgrounds have been observed littering. Even though most people want a clean environment, about three quarters admit they have probably littered in the last 5 years. Source - Woodstock Conservation
It's not just us who've noticed the alarming amount of litter thrown out and left along our roads and highways has increased. How and when did we lose "pride" in our surroundings, the type of pride that keeps many of us from throwing our refuse out the windows of our vehicles, left for "someone" else to come along and clean it up. The fact that more and more litter these days, does this denote a rising culture of slobbery?

We were driving from Show Low to Payson via AZ-Highway 260 (rim country) when we encountered a big Please Don't Litter sign. is collecting pictures of litter signs so we stopped to take a picture and upon doing so we discovered a litter problem. The litter was so disgusting that had to do a litter patrol.
Once again has been able to prove that do not litter signs are ineffective at keeping humans from littering.
Note: always travels with a litter picker and bags. Source - AZ Litter.Org
Michael Stetz from the Union Tribune wrote back in 2005 that the amount of trash thrown out on San Diego County roads has risen 50 percent in the last ten years, an estimated 2500 cubic yards of trash each month.
Read more Litter on Our Roadways: Growing Culture of Slobs at
Death by 1000 Papercuts Front Page.
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