Traveling across the web, the above cartoon turned up.
More specifically, the above interesting cartoon turned up.
It was first posted at a site (jaspar jottings) where the poster was if he was a racist for posting the cartoon.
Of course, it an Obama supporter posing the question. Apparently, it had not occurred that posting carefully-documented information is not usually an M.O. of a racist.
But then, it's much easier to sling names than to think things out.
But the cartoon, by one Jerry Breen, made some pretty interesting, relevant points.
And the fact that Breen had this cartoon up in July 2007--almost 9 months ago--makes him look positively prescient.
Interesting info back in July 2007.
Interesting info still in April 2008.
by Mondoreb
image: Jerry Breen
, first seen at:
jaspar jottings
* Obama: Clearing Up Any Muslim Misunderstandings
* CARTOON: Senator Obama’s evasiveness about his Muslim upbringing

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