An enterprising Wisconsin man has combined two great tastes--pizza and beer--into one time-saving product: pizza-flavored beer.
While we can't vouch for how good the actual flavor of pizza-flavored beer tastes, the idea of saving time in this busy world has to be applauded.
From the Mamma Mia Pizza Beer website:
Friday, February 8th, 2008 marks the day that The Original Seefurth Family Mamma Mia Pizza Beer hit the street. Brewed and bottled at the Sprecher Brewing Company just outside of Milwaukee, WI, Sprecher is already offering 16 ounce bottles for sale in their gift shop.

There's no stopping a man with a plan.
More from Mamma Mia Pizza Beer:
We plan to follow-up the first brew with an 80 barrel brew and plan to continue brewing the beer on a regular basis as to eventually make it to all 50 States! The list of locations where you can purchase Original Seefurth Family Mamma Mia Pizza Beer is growing DAILY!
The MMPB site offers a Laverne & Shirley themed video of the founder brewing his first batch of beer--and one last tip for those whose brains are on fire with this new idea.
Check back here often for our ever-increasing portfolio of fine establishments that already, or soon will be carrying or serving, Original Seefurth Family Mamma Mia Pizza Beer!

Only in America.
by Mondoreb
hat tip: Powell Gammell, FPhoenix
image: MMPB
* Pizza Beer: Beer for Really Busy People
* Mamma Mia Pizza Beer

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