to Finally Report on the Edwards Love Child Scandal
Is Mainstream Media Blackout Ready to End?

UPDATE: DBKP has learned that "one major news network" is reportedly "ready to go" with a report on the Edwards' hotel meeting with the National Enquirer's reporters and photographers. The Enquirer reportedly had a team of seven reporters at the Beverly Hilton when Edwards arrived.
Will just one mainstream media reporter ask Edwards what he was doing at the hotel in the early AM? Does any MSM reporter have the balls to risk having his access to ask softball questions of Edwards cut off?
We'll see.
More details continue to emerge from the National Enquirer's Love Child Scandal Update.
The Enquirer has released the identity of the man who drove Edwards to the meeting that the Enquirer's reporters caught wind of and recorded. He's Bob McGovern, the very same man who drove Rielle Hunter to the tryst at the Beverly Hilton.
Over 35 stories on the Scandal from 2007 to present.

From National Enquirer: John Edwards Love child Update
We can now reveal that the man who drove Edwards was Bob McGovern, the same man who drove Rielle to the hotel from Santa Barbara and rented her room in his name.s."
He was driving a 1999 four-door midnight blue BMW.
Said Butterfield: "The car had a baby seat in the back for Rielle's infant. He pulled into the parking lot, took a ticket from the automated machine, pulled forward, and stopped right after the parking gate lowered. Edwards got out of the passenger side, walked around the front of the car and went in a side entrance near the swimming pool.
"McGovern parked the car and then slowly walked back inside the hotel and went upstair
The Enquirer also released more information--no doubt pouring in from the same interested parties that have kept DBKP's Email-box full of tips--on the Edwards camp's reaction and possible mainstream press interest.
The Enquirer drops a few more tid-bits about the fall-out from the confrontation, which according to one source, was caught on the hotel's video surveillance system. Another source has already confirmed to DBKP that pictures of Edward's run-in with the Enquirer's reporters were caught on film and will be released in the near future.
* Edwards' advisers are "spitting mad and furious" that his late-night escapades have made international headlines because it could derail his chances of becoming Barack Obama's running mate.
* Edwards has not explained his whereabouts to any members of other news media outlets who have been trying to follow up on the story.
* His mistress, blonde divorcee Rielle, meanwhile, has returned to her home in Santa Barbara, Calif., and sources say she is "in despair" that Edwards might cut off contact with her because their latest rendezvous has been exposed in the media.
The meeting of Edwards and his advisers was, reportedly, not pretty.
After we posted the details of Edwards shocking meeting with Rielle, political sources close to Edwards revealed how he was candidly scolded by his advisors hours later.
One political source divulged: "His advisors told him they were furious that this had been brought out by the NATIONAL ENQUIRER right when Obama is considering whether he's V.P. material with the Democratic National Convention (Aug. 25-28 in Denver) only weeks away.
"From what I hear, John was read the riot act by his people. The fallout from this could cost him the job of running mate. They told him Obama doesn't want to pick someone and be embarrassed by the choice. This 'bimbo eruption' at this critical time will do him absolutely no good.
"While his people are not trying to tell him how to live his personal life, this baggage isn't going to help him convince Obama that he's the right guy to be his veep."
A day after the incident, Edwards traveled to Denver for an appearance at the University of Denver in support of the anti-poverty campaign, called Half in Ten. The very first question put to him at the event was about whether he'd become Obama's running mate.
Edwards was quoted as saying: "I'm not seeking the job. I don't expect to be asked…but anything that Sen. Obama would ask me to do, whether it's in his campaign or in his presidency, I would consider seriously."
But Edwards made no official comment on our bombshell disclosure about his late-night antics less than 24 hours earlier.
Said another source: "He's going out of his way to avoid discussing it - he knows whatever he says will come back to haunt him. If he denies being there, he doesn't want to be found out to be a liar."
At the moment, that seems to be the least of John Edwards' several problems.
[Further updates to follow later on Wednesday]
by Mondoreb
Source: national enquirer: Love Child Scandal Update
image: fotosearch
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