John Edwards, a tireless advocate for the homeless, was allegedly caught visiting his purported mistress, Rielle Hunter, at the Beverly Hilton in Los Angeles last night.
The National Enquirer has the lowdown on Edwards' visit to the mother of his alleged love child.
DBKP has been following the Edwards-Hunter-secret love child saga since the Enquirer first broke the story back in October.
The National Enquirer claimed John Edwards had an affair and that the woman was now pregnant with his baby. The woman in question, 44-year-old Rielle Hunter, claimed the father was 41-year-old Andrew Young, political operative and until recently, Director of Finance of the Edwards for President campaign.
DBKP wondered, if Rielle Hunter really is the mother of John Edwards' love child, and forced to meet this man "on the sly", is the kind of "life" she dreamed of?
We've reconstituted some of the background on the Hunter-Edwards' story.
The first Enquirer story broke on October 10th.

The Enquirer story did not release the name of the "woman" who was allegedly involved with Edwards nor her "profession." The next day a woman named Rielle Hunter issued a "denial" by way of the website, Mydd.
"The innuendos and lies that have appeared on the internet and in the National Enquirer concerning John Edwards are not true, completely unfounded and ridiculous.
My video production company was hired by the Edwards camp on a 6 month contract, which we completed December 31, 2006.
When working for the Edwards camp, my conduct as well as the conduct of my entire team was completely professional.
This concocted story is just dirty politics and I want no part of it."
John Edwards also made a statement the same day as Hunter:
Reporters asked Edwards about The ENQUIRER report during a campaign stop in Columbia, S.C., on Oct. 11. Edwards responded: "The story is false. It's completely untrue, ridiculous," adding: "Anyone who knows me knows that I have been in love with the same woman for 30 plus years." [1]
Why did Rielle Hunter come out with a statement against the Enquirer when it never named her, her profession, age, or where she resided, in essence, outing herself?
If you look closely at her "statement" on October 11 Hunter claimed her "relationship" with the Edwards' campaign was "professional." No one knew at the time she made this statement that Ms. Hunter was pregnant and that little over a month later, she would move to North Carolina to a gated community of luxury homes five miles from the Edwards campaign headquarters.
The second salvo was fired by the Enquirer on December 19 when the tabloid posted a picture of a very pregnant Rielle Hunter. The Enquirer claimed unnamed sources had verified that Ms. Hunter's unborn child was Edwards, that she had been set up in a swank house, all expenses paid, by an Edwards' backer. The Enquirer wrote that Ms. Hunter had issued a denial of involvement with Edwards and claimed the baby's father was a former campaign finance director and political operative, Andrew Young.
In a statement issued to The ENQUIRER through her attorney, Rielle said: "The fact that I am expecting a child is my personal and private business. This has no relationship to nor does it involve John Edwards in any way. Andrew Young is the father of my unborn child."
Read More of John Edwards and Love Child Mom Rielle Hunter Rendezvous in LA at DBKP.com
Source - 2 - Governor's Club
Image - The Other Woman
Image - Men's Room
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