The commentators all breathlessly described how busy China became getting Beijing "ready for the Olympics".
And China's communist leaders sure were busy!
After all, arresting dissidents and potential protesters isn't done in a day, and heaven knows it takes time to shut down factories and restrict residents' driving to clear up the oily smog that obscures Beijing on a normal day.

Today, Ed Morrissey included the pic at the top of the page in "Obama: Know where it’s really great to do business?".
"Unfortunately, most of what the cameras see is just a facade, as Dale Franks points out at Q&O:"
Perhaps, the facades in the top pic were built by the arrested dissidents?
Better not dwell to much on that possibility.
Might get accused of being a conspiracy theorist again.
by Mondoreb
image: top-Hot Air; bottom-RidesAPaleHorse
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