Stirring the John Edwards Cover-up Pot
DBKP is not the only one stirring the John Edwards affair and cover-up pot. Others are adding in tasty bits which have all the makings of a rich, filling scandal stew.
Deceiver has not only a complete coverage of who's saying what, it also is adding to the impressive collection its own "Rielle Hunter Film Library".
You’ve seen her star turn opposite Denzel Washington in Ricochet. You’ve thrilled to her bikini-clad dancin’ in Overboard. Now TMZ has unearthed what may be Rielle’s finest moment onscreen: Her 2002 appearance on the Game Show Network’s Lingo! (If only To Tell the Truth hadn’t gone off the air…) Introducing herself to host Chuck Woolery, Rielle claimed to be “a writer” and added, “I also do a lot of yoga and chant. Mostly about how Elizabeth Edwards is a total bitch.” Okay, I might have thrown in that last part. No word yet on how much she won, but it couldn’t be nearly as much as she’s getting from this latest game.
Rush Limbaugh gave DBKP a shout out Wednesday on his show!
LBG's "John Edwards Affair: Dr. Strangelove, the “Favorite” Film Edwards Never Saw" caught the attention of El Rushbo and he used it as a modern-day parable. From Rush Limbaugh.com: Story #2: A Shining Example of the Breck Girl's Phoniness
RUSH: A fascinating story today on a blog called Death by 1,000 Paper Cuts. This story, I think, is a microcosm by the Democrat Party and their willing accomplices in the Drive-By Media. Let me just share the details with you. In August of 2004, John Edwards, the Breck Girl, participated on a program the Turner Classics Movie channel, and they are doing a series, Party Political and the Movies. This aired in 2004. And what these political personalities, people, were asked to do by Turner Classic Movies was to pick their all-time favorite movie and explain why. So Edwards picked Dr. Strangelove. "I believe that one of the messages Stanley Kubrick was trying to send was putting this kind of power and this potential Holocaust in the hands of human beings no matter who they are is an extraordinarily dangerous thing."
Well, here's the thing. Edwards had never seen the movie. Edwards had never seen Dr. Strangelove when he picked it, and the next element of the story is that he didn't even pick it, is his wife Elizabeth did.
Rush then quotes from LBG's story and emails started coming into the mailbox from well-wishers alerting us to the EIB notice. [Note: Thanksx100 to IC at KG3 and Snoop at PPP for the audio clips of the broadcast. We were busy on a story and missed it live!]
PJ Gladnick, of NewsBusters, lauded our coverage of the John Edwards-Fred Baron travel records in Edwards Scandal: Blogosphere Leads Investigation That MSM Neglects.
As NewsBusters editor Matthew Sheffield recently wrote, the John Edwards scandal demonstrates why the public is moving to the Web for news. A big reason for the public relying more and more on the Web for news is that the blogosphere is willing to do the investigative footwork that the mainstream media often neglects. A perfect illustration of this are the revelations made today by the DBKP blog about the suspicious aircraft leasing arrangements made by John Edwards' moneyman, Fred Baron:
The entire article is worth the price of admission, but some of the comments that follow the article could have very well been written by sheepish MSM reporters trying out spin at NewsBusters what they practiced around the water cooler--when they should have been out investigating the myriad threads of what's turning into the madcap cover-up of Edwards, et.al. (Yeah, I know it's a long sentence--but it's late, or early.)
A thousand thanks to Gladnick and NewsBusters: sometimes you feel like you write in a vacuum. Pieces, such as PJ Gladnick's, (as well as the response of readers) assure you that that vacuum only has power around the MSM.
Frank Nedelkoff, The New Nixon, notices another of the ever-growing collection of coincidences that have popped up in the John Edwards scandal(which Nedelkoff labels "Riellegate") at almost every turn.
I’ll point out once again that, when it comes to coincidences, I’m still intrigued by the fact that the Center For Promise And Opportunity, the well-funded nonprofit foundation set up by Edwards ostensibly to fund a mammoth scholarship program for poor students across the nation, abruptly went out of business (along with the scholarships it sponsored at the single high school where it manifested concrete results) a week or so before Rielle Hunter fled to St. Croix (a place with easy air access to various discreet financial institutions) and the former vice-presidential nominee went on ABC to confess his “liason.” Whither went its assets?
While Fred Baron may not exactly be an idiot savant in the memory department (if readers remember Baron responding to the questions of the NY Times), Nedelkoff reports that Baron will likely remember where he's to be next week: the Democrat Convention in Denver.
Update: the blog of the Dallas Morning News reports that although John Edwards seems to be skipping the Democratic convention next week, Fred Baron will continue his 20-year tradition of attending it. The post also quotes an Obama campaign source as denying that Baron is involved with planning events for the campaign in Colorado, as had been previously reported.
Need a quick non-Edwards break? The Morning Scramble goes around the Net in five minutes--or less.
Political Party Poop has the scoop on Obama: Obama the same today as yesterday (1995, that is) and The Incredible Disappearing Candidate.
Back to the Edwards scandal.
Doug Ross has an "Exclusive Photo: Denver offers haircuts for the homeless" that proves guess that "There's a John Edwards joke lurking somewhere in that story."
Radar reports that the "NYT Hot On Story Of John Edwards And The Mysterious Duke Graduate".
New York Times reporter Serge Kovaleski is on a story. Serge, you'll remember, is the reporter who brought us the tale of Ashley Alexandra Dupré, the young working lady who consorted with former New York governor Eliot Spitzer. What's Serge up to?
Since December, DBKP heard plenty of whispers, buzz and other talk on this subject. When it came time to "name names", however, the only thing we (mostly) heard was [crickets].
Apparently, the NY Times is trying to out-hustle the National Enquirer--for once.
From Williamson Republic (TX), comes the story of "Maldonado Refuses to Give Up Money Associated With John Edwards Scandal's "Hush Money Man".
After a request by Williamson County Republican Party Chairman Bill Fairborther that HD 52 candidate democrat Diana Maldonado return money associated with John Edward’s “hush money man” Frederick Baron her campaign said that they will not be returning the money.
Baron has been at the center of controversy for paying what has been characterized as “hush money” to Edwards’ mistress and he has admitted to moving her into hiding.
There's more to this story at WR.
There's a LOT more, but two big developments await before 0600 EDT.
Stay tuned for more curious circumstances.
by Mondoreb
image: DBKP
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